A is for Art
Wicca is a post Christian religion based around Goddess worship who manifests as mother nature in all her forms, and utilizes magic rituals, is generally known as The Craft. Its history invokes many forms of the sacred feminine principle and in an increasingly fem-dom culture I urge its followers to remember that Males are equally as divine. As a child I grew up in an art school environment, my dad being a practicing artist and college lecturer, my mam a professional dressmaker by skill, having qualified as a psychologist found herself working in a college environment as a fashion teacher. She taught thousands of students, mostly young girls and the occasional gay boy, how to sew, how to design and make clothes for themselves, for catwalk and for the fashion industry, which really are three very different aspects of 'fashion'. The term ARTS and CRAFTS was one I grew up hearing daily, although not directly in the context of Magick. The Craft aspect being quite evidently female forms of Wicca, which with dressmaking skills becomes voodoo pins, poppets, garments, the weave of the world, the fabric of reality; such metaphors are entrenched, from the spinster spinning a yarn, such as for instance sleeping beauty pricking her finger on the loom; the imagery is profound and everyone feels the affinity with it. Therefore I am assuming that the Art as a method of magick is related to twin male aspects of the formal Hermetic tradition, which underpins so many of todays open and secret organisations from the catholic church through masons and other aspects of the illuminati groups; and also the more primal roots shamanism where it can be related to divine masculine principles. It is from studying the Knights Templar that I learned about Abraxus, the unified deity who is both hermaphrodite and androgynous, both male and female. I should like to put a link here, to another Pagan Blogs Project blogger, about Austin O Spare. It will do much to further the concept of Art as an academic magickal tradition in the western world. Austin O Spare Link http://chaoswitchcraft.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/austin-osman-spare-we-are-all-made-of-stars/