![]() E is for Evolution of perception “Science says that our brains are a grid-like structure, forming a field of consciousness. This gird is an invisible, vast database of memory, a template that contains perceptions and beliefs from the thoughts and feelings generated by you from any point in time. When this field is altered it shifts our physical existence.” Paula Muran, Body of Light As a brief outline for the thesis; Gustav Karl Jung explains 'Mind' as layers of associated symbols, many of which are common to us all throughout time are therefore called Archetypal Symbols, many of which are unique to a given culture and more importantly, many of which are unique to the individual. This framework is the grid or operating system for the mind. Evolution of Perception is a large concept to explore and I am only interested in a specific factor of it for this blog. The foundation of which is E is for Elements, while much of the thesis is found throughout all of my Pagan Blog Project blogs. Evolution of Perception is a purpose for why Evolution of physical forms has been happening. I am one of these who believes when the Canadian Human Genome Project after reviewing human dna from all over the planet, announced in early 2010 that "Human DNA has been manipulated in ancient times by technologies we have not yet discovered" there is some merit in their claim. Translations of ancient Assyrian clay tablets that tell the same story were made available at the same time, by what Jung would call 'syncronicity' and further evidence of 'giant' humanoid 'aliens' entombed all over the world were also announced, at the same time. The Soul contained in any form of animal, is the same type of self-are, emotionally capable, entity; only that the biological form of the body is different between different species. A dogs sense of smell and hearing surpasses that of human beings while their eyes are not so sharp except at dawn and dusk. They have no opposable thumbs. Were that soul taken from a dog and placed into a homo sapiens body, once initial orientation had been mastered and some basic training given, I believe the symbiot would be as convincingly 'human' as are many 'humans'. That process is usually called Transmigration (of the Soul). I study various forms of eg; Haitiian from west African Fon culture which is also a root of American Vodun religion; the physical body of the priest is known as the 'Horse' which can be ridden by various possessing spirit entities and deities. This is what ALL humans are capable of and it happens much more regularly than closed minds of western pharmacological zomba culture likes to confess. In this transmigratory process which is tantalizingly hinted at in the story of Taliesin and Ceridwen, we can see the journey of a same Soul through many physical forms, and incarnate within each body type is a different set of sensory perception. What Humans would call ESP Extra-Sensory perception, is very normal to some other forms of being. Exploring Mammalian Consciousness we need to illustrate not only the neural development map of a brain and its layers, but the different energy configurations available within it, which facilitate different states of perceptual awareness. The more complicated the circuit, the more potential configurations within it. On the one hand, Don Carlos calls this Tensegrity. "The belief that intelligence and thinking are the same has led to two unfortunate conclusions in education: 1 that nothing needs to be done for students with a high intelligence because they will automatically be good thinkers. 2 that nothing can be done for students without a high intelligence because they cannot ever be good thinkers. The relationship between intelligence and thinking is like that between a car and the driver of that car. A powerful car may be driven badly. A less powerful car may be driven well. The power of the car is the potential of the car just as intelligence is the potential of the mind. The skill of the car driver determines how the power of the car is used. The skill of the thinker determines how intelligence is used." Edward de Bono, Teach Your Child To Think, p6 The purpose of E is for Evolution of Perception is to explain that Perception is not entirely based on Mind and that Mind is a system of associated archetypal symbols which are its Operating System. Magicians know this and use it to their advantage to re-program their own mind into whatever form they require. The Observer Affects the Observed. Our energy field radiates its waveforms and programs the particle (physical) domain to conform to its code. So by programing the Minds OS we program material reality. These Archetypal Symbols are constructed of what can be described as Elements. The use of a platform to lay out and display the elements is called an Altar. Rituals utilizing various elements in Energy Exchanges the Altar can be seen as a chemistry set, a scientists laboratory. We use the term Psyence for an alchemist of Mind, it relates to the word Seance. Reality is now believed by quantum scientists and new agers alike to be holographic. Constructed of Light, which responds to subconscious programming. On the basis of this, the Altar is metaphoric for the Grid we subconsciously project, which manifests as our reality experience. This given, removing unwanted programs, protecting ourselves from other peoples program-manifestations, and empowering personal belief to create the universe in our own image, are the three major concerns of contemporary magicians. All three of these factors involve some level of associative symbolism, and particular relaxed states of being, to achieve. "Now get ready, for Paradigm Warfare!" Snakeappletree, Paradigm Warfare