J is for Jellies (Reptilian Dream Machines) Spiritual teachers assure me that the energy framework through which reptilian Jellies are able to manifest into our dimension is being removed from planet Earth at this time. The removal of reptilian Gray organic-robot clones from planet Earth seems interlinked as a part of this. Their reality requires the debasement of humans on Earth, the energy levels we can achieve; and their techniques are advanced. I am not so sure the consequences of this might be further than we have yet realised, because both cellphone communication technology and internet, computer technology, all came from them. Removal of their curse requires removal of these machines. It is worth considering that spiritually advanced entities do not require these machines at all, for communication, art, happiness. Organic nature provides everything we require. Jellies are computer programs in the holographic Matrix. I am assured thatthey do not have self awareness. They are Artifically Intelligent. This goes against my Animist belief structure and has yet to be resolved, seemingly by anybody who is in open discourse about it. I usually use the word 'matrix' to refer to the web of Life. All of it; all of us, everything, everyone. We are conscious co-creators of it, hence the reptilian controllers making zomba of as many people as they can. On the one hand, tv and control through fear to create a living human battery pack who generates suffering-spectrum energy. On the other hand, advanced spiritual technologies that amount to the same. The reptilians and their servants the cloned Reticulan Grays thrive off our negative energy spectrums. A jelly is one of these. I was in discourse with someone who explained to me that the jellies are there to help us advance spiritually. I didn't trust it then and I don't trust it now. People who deal with jellies are dealing with something dangerous that corrupts our perceptions. Therefore the experts in the subject, have necessarily compromised themselves. Be very aware of that, please. My first encounter with a jelly was several years ago. I didn't know what had hit me. It looked like a shimmering translucent face-hugger from the HR Giger movie Alien. It pulsed, crouching, ready to leap into my head at the very moment I bridged the gap between dream and waking consciousness. I had my eyes open and shut at the same time, I had my third eye open in dream at the same time, and y ears open in the material world. That's how I was able to see the jelly waiting to pounce into me. And it did. I was physically paralyzed with fear. I spoke with it telepathically, which was easy because it is designer symbiotic and it was inside me. Get out of me. No. I don't trust you. I will help you. Are you alive? You know the answer. I don't want you in me. I will make you powerful. What are you? To help you. But I knew that it was lying. It didn't answer that one. Then it showed me a waveform, which was so strong I acted on it. It didn't just want me to have sex, it wanted me to have a specific type of sex which would be possible with a specific girl, who I had already decided not to have anything to do with. Following this, I did share some non-sexual experiences with her. She was controlling, daemonic, self-obsessed, and had herself dabbled in some very dark karma that I wanted no involvement with whatsoever. She was however on a path toward a brighter way of being, and I suppose the outcome was educational for us both. I felt scrambled because I had a thing lurking inside me that was powerful enough to be giving me thoughts, controlling my actions. I was wrestling with it and I couldn't get it out of me. And then! Somebody I had never met and never heard of before found me online and told me she was there to rescue me from it. She had previous experience dealing with these things. She called it a Dream Machine. A reptilian technology. In the following weeks I discovered many examples of these things showing themselves and what they can do. See 'Glitch In the Matrix' video on youtube. "They target spiritually aware people and convert them to the reptilian agenda. Thats what they are designed for." explained Claw, my savior. It resonated deeply with my own initial instincts about what it had latched onto me for. "Given time it will warp your instincts. It will take you over. It will send tentacles up through your chakras and eat them up one by one." The fucker got blocked because prior to its forced entry rape of my energy body, I had very little orange and yellow, sacral and solar plexus, chakra's. I simply had not developed these parts of myself well enough for it to be able to reach my heart. It had to mutate so as to send a longer root energy tentacle directly up to my heart, which gave a very visual lever to be able to grip it with. The things grow like spider plants. "What you have to do, is get a load of this herb in you to bomb the thing out. And bath every day, with salt and crystals, and to pray. Pray to Durga to scoop you clean. Pray to Metatron to keep you pure. If you don't do this, you're fucked." She put me in contact with an energy healer who sorted me out, he scooped the thing out of me, warning me that if any of its tentacles were left that a whole new one could grow from it. These things are nasty like that. This contact is an ex-cia black operative who knew a lot more about what is going on. He proved it to me. The teachings of Mayan sorcerer Don Juan who Carlos Casteneda wrote about include a story that our species humanity is a symbiotic life form, it has been invaded by extra-dimensional entities in ancient times. "They 'gave us their Mind' "- all the paranoia's anxiety and fears, all the aggression and base emotions. This makes us much easier for them to enter into us. Designer Hosts. Some bloodlines more than others. The potential of these advanced bloodlines is tremendous, further than any of us - even themselves - can see, as spiritual masters and then some. The extra-dimensional entities are what we call the reptilians and because they exist outside of Time as we are aware of it linearly, they prepare us in stages for their invasion. Time is not linear, it is frequency based and so by creating a zone that generates a specific frequency, they can enter through into that place more easily. Anywhere there is suffering, on an individual or cultural basis. Warfare, Repression, Totalitarianism, Prisons, you get the idea. We don't want ANY of that shit. Sources claim that the Reticulan Gray clones are being removed from Earth at this time. It is a part of the global upshift. Big sigh of relief. They still haven't got rid of the Jellies however. I am still dealing with these on people I know.
J is for Justice JUST I inherited phraseology from my child-rearers. I would use the word ‘just’ on a regular basis, overuse, but not for its real designated purpose. I used the word to represent ‘only’ wheras in factuality it means ‘justice’ as in ‘balanced and fair’. I just did it that way. My mother taught me to talk and she is from a heraldic family background. My maternal grandfather taught me that we are a Clan as opposed to a family. Proper speaking was important; my maternal grandmother gave me a terrible book on Grammar that I had to study even before I had ever learned what the phrase Homework meant. So perhaps I had a chip on my shoulder about it, or perhaps a spirit of an ancestor was inserted into my aura, sliced like a comb teeth into my chakra spectrum. It cleared today (21.1.12) and I felt it clear because I have finally dealt with the issue of the word ‘just’. I was always very outspoken and at several times in my life, as a child, a teenager, an adult, I gave up talking. I consciously and diligently work on my own speech patterns, vocabulary which used to be a lot bigger than it is now (women like it when you use predictable language once they have become used to you; prior to which they are romanced by articulate and versatile rhythms and words). For over a year I have watched my mouth jump in to do the talking before my brain has decided what to say, the automated reflex, the zombi response. And I watch it use this word ‘just’ in the wrong way, until today a decision was made throughout my entity to stop doing that and to use the word ‘only’ in its place. To use words this way is memetic. Because we are subconsciously alerted to the intended proper definitions of words even where their use is vague but acceptable in the current conversation, and nit-picking of proper grammar is overlooked. It was a big issue for my mothers family, she is one of six brothers and sisters and I am aware from my own childhood how easily the local slang is picked up and proper language deteriorates. I do not believe my family had pretensions of grandeur by teaching the next generation how to speak properly. As I am exploring, speech patterns and vocabulary are a structure which indicates the modality of the minds way of thinking, and from and through this develops personality. JUSTICE "The Criminal Justice Act (1988) says that you may carry a knife with a blade length of 3.0" or less so long as it is capable of folding. That means no fixed blade knives. But use your loaf - a knife has no place at a football match, in a pub, nightclub or school and becomes an offensive weapon in these circumstances in just the same way as a screwdriver, or any other innanimate tool." http://www.bkcg.co.uk/guide/law.html Several years ago I was camping in the woods and I found a 2.5" folding knife. On my way back into town I was stop&searched, arrested, intimidated, interrogated (including the arresting officer throwing his biro at me), 2 interview tapes were made during which PC Priest of NEWPORT WALES POLICE lied several times, contradicting his own story. Also Priest told me "the law is 1 inch now." The tapes prove I had a breakdown in the police station due to PC Priests techniques. Following this I was diagnosed as schizophrenic because of my nervous disorder. Nobody would believe that I had been abused by the police. The police would not give me a copy of the interview tapes despite my asking for this 5 times over several weeks following the incident. Does anybody know how to get hold of the interview tapes so I can sue the police? I now have a caution on my criminal record which means I will fail any CRB check: I cannot get a teaching job once I complete a PGCE, nor a childcare job I have already been offered if I get the qualification, my plan for September. PC Priest has effectively destroyed my career. With a degree in Fine Art all I had been using the knife for in the forest was woodcarving. In doing research into what knife law actually is in the UK, I have made some useful contacts and discovered that by becoming a knife dealer I can make a lot of money LEGALLY. Since I cannot be a teacher until the caution is revoked from record, this today seems a more realistic way to earn a living. Additional: I cannot prove that I have a BA(hons) degree in Fine Art from Cheltenham University, nor an NVQ2 in Counseling; because whilst I was detained in police custody, during which time the police had the keys to my flat; my flat was robbed with no sign of forced entry. My bass guitar was kicked and damaged, my degree and several other papers went missing, and the only/master copy of an album that I had been working on, minidisc, also went missing. I did not report this robbery to the police because quite frankly all the evidence points to that it was them who did it. After a lifetime of studying and practicing Buddism, it was during my ordeal that I stopped believing in Karma, and began believing in tyranny. Additional: I now, at long last, have a definition of textbook schizophrenia actually is, that makes sense to me, from a well respected academic expert. "Hypnosis is basically a loss of the sense of reality (clinically speaking, this is known as schizophrenia)." Colin Wilson, A Criminal History of Mankind, p.652 Additional: Following a 2.5 year review into my mental condition by a team of state psychiatrists, I was released from counseling on the basis that; quote, I am "not in need of psychiatric counseling." unquote. How many other people can claim that? Following from which I tried to get a copy of my mental health case notes, only to be told by the NHS that quote they "have lost them" unquote. Cover up, anybody? |
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