L is for Library "All knowledge is completely useless unless applied." SnakeAppleTree I have over a thousand books on my shelves. I have read over 99% of them so far. They are a pain in the proverbial because other than for atmosphere and knowledge, they use most of their time taking up space and inhibit my freedom to live without requiring a building to store them safely in. I love books, obviously. A library more than the sum of its parts. I do occasionally gift them to the relevant people who will teat them respectfully and enjoy them and who need the information contained. The most I have ever spent on a book is uk£50 mail ordered from the usa, followed by uk£40, these are rare and specialist books. Most of them nowadays come from eBay and charity shops. The conclusion I have come to about knowledge is that it is useless unless applied. Much more important than inherited, book-learned wisdom; is Instinct. Instinct is Prana, it says as much in Beyond the Personality, the beginners guide to enlightenment, by the Implicate Technology Centre. So it must be true. This connection was an important understanding/development for my development/understanding. It would be very difficult to list my favourite books, my most influential reads, there are simply too many of them, just as there are too many authors to list their names, and for why I like them. Although Mary Gentle is most worthy of reading for her literary style, and I am a student of Frank Herberts devils bible, the Dune sextet. In the past few years since I got the internet my reading hours have dwindled from many to few; I was a bookish child who always had my nose in several tomes at a time, cross-referencing peculiarities discovered between themes, learning about syncronicity and energy waeves. Typically varying from fiction to fact. The book that has influenced me most strongly is J R R Tolkiens masterwork, The Lord Of The Rings. For the scope, writing style, that comes from love of the reader and for its role in cultural heritage. It is literary genius of a sort that leaves its nearest comparison, Umberto Eco's The Name Of The Rose, far short; and these two works stand high above all other literature. I read almost everything available by Philip K Dick as a teenager. I would do a book a night, most nights. "I only ever read one book in my life, it is called the Celestine Prophecy. It is the only one I ever need to." Darren Edwards, Shaman. Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and to be honest, he's probably right; it really is that good. Libraries are a gathering of books, a melange of universes; and that has power. It is exactly like how Terry Pratchett says; books are alive and when stacked, they bend time and space and open dimensions between them. The themes interweave and form tunnels & timestreams. Items can be books. In African spiritualism, such artifacts are called fetishes. The smell of a freshly printed book, the choice of paper by the publishing house, the feel of its grade and relative softness, dryness, dampness, on the fingers... Although I developed my sight into the Imaginal Realms by delving into so much quality fiction, recently I prefer resource books relating to the manifest physical world. We are books, the living library of life. To read a person one must
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