the Black Tome of TitanContayneth
Howe thou to use thay Tome by Volgera Darkstorm
Wyrking Darkh Rittual by Zharradan Marr
Onne Naming Entites; Sommoning, Sijil, Shaype & Sownde by Zanbar Bone
Daemon Lord Myrr by Aeren Tintathel
Imyrtaolity by Mordraneth
Abbyss of Shaddow Maynde by Balthus Dire
Lawe of Khayoss by Akharis; phonemics transliterated by Volgera Darkstorm
Discors on Chaotick Alchemick Prinsipal by Xortan Throg
Wryng of Smoak the Tarnished Cycle, by Kai Tigo
Spelle Almanac
Blankhe Parchement
Howe thou to use thay Tome by Volgera Darkstorm
Wyrking Darkh Rittual by Zharradan Marr
Onne Naming Entites; Sommoning, Sijil, Shaype & Sownde by Zanbar Bone
Daemon Lord Myrr by Aeren Tintathel
Imyrtaolity by Mordraneth
Abbyss of Shaddow Maynde by Balthus Dire
Lawe of Khayoss by Akharis; phonemics transliterated by Volgera Darkstorm
Discors on Chaotick Alchemick Prinsipal by Xortan Throg
Wryng of Smoak the Tarnished Cycle, by Kai Tigo
Spelle Almanac
Blankhe Parchement
Howe thou to use thay Tome
It is such that thou will be drawn to add of thy experiences and thy wisdom to these payges,
yet as others of thay path have done before thee.
Thou shalt use thee a quille of ravenne wing and ink of bludd to satesphye within thy true wyrds.
Thus is bounde Nihiliquis fedde.
Phear not that errs shall parsse.
All such shall be rectified dulie for phormmes cast within thy parchement shall fall writely into phormat;
as bounde unto this maniphesto be spelles to innsure a propper gridding.
A spirit guarde be contayned herein and sette a taskh.
Thus be innsured correct rhythum to flow throughe heart and maynde and quille of thee,
wellcom sarcerer.
An its nayme be Nihiliquis whose rune is sayne uponne the prephis payge.
Be wary thee also those elimments of phyre, of water and of erth
are impennetrable uponne thay tome, suche be him mayde.
These phollowings;
the conjuries of Nihiliquis, shulde to be phounde within Appendix.
As thou sarcerers experaments gayne,
addition to this tome doest a recorde of progress and lineage immerge.
It is entended that baysic comprehending be estaybled aphore personal development beginneth.
It is to these baysic outlines that we returnne when seeking guidance
whatsoever situation thee sarcerer phyndes drawing of thou Attention.
Volgera Darkstorm
It is such that thou will be drawn to add of thy experiences and thy wisdom to these payges,
yet as others of thay path have done before thee.
Thou shalt use thee a quille of ravenne wing and ink of bludd to satesphye within thy true wyrds.
Thus is bounde Nihiliquis fedde.
Phear not that errs shall parsse.
All such shall be rectified dulie for phormmes cast within thy parchement shall fall writely into phormat;
as bounde unto this maniphesto be spelles to innsure a propper gridding.
A spirit guarde be contayned herein and sette a taskh.
Thus be innsured correct rhythum to flow throughe heart and maynde and quille of thee,
wellcom sarcerer.
An its nayme be Nihiliquis whose rune is sayne uponne the prephis payge.
Be wary thee also those elimments of phyre, of water and of erth
are impennetrable uponne thay tome, suche be him mayde.
These phollowings;
the conjuries of Nihiliquis, shulde to be phounde within Appendix.
As thou sarcerers experaments gayne,
addition to this tome doest a recorde of progress and lineage immerge.
It is entended that baysic comprehending be estaybled aphore personal development beginneth.
It is to these baysic outlines that we returnne when seeking guidance
whatsoever situation thee sarcerer phyndes drawing of thou Attention.
Volgera Darkstorm
by Zharradan Marr
Ye Sarcerers Maynde is what haldeth it all bounde in form.
“Know Thy Self” Medditation
Empty the Arena of the Maynde
Onne Naming Entites; Sommoning, Sijil, Shaype & Sownde
by Zanbar Bone
Daemonic Sijils & the assossiations with that specyphic playne symbolysed throughe vessels,
elimments within our own, to be gaytes in array for the Daemon to take phormme.
Daemon Lord Myrr
by Aeren Tintathel
by Mordraneth
“The death rune is derived from an inverted rune of life or man,
and symbolizes the opposite force, that of death”
p. 160 Titan
Five points there be to this rune;
a crossed ‘Y’, the descent trinity.
Hid within is reference to the Pentacle
and to Hermetic sign for elemental of water.
There be reason for this.
Five points around the ring and yet two more contained within;
Where the Three meet, Where the Four meet.
Two centers;
one of greater complexity, one for simplicity.
Expansive and Refined.
The alchemy of the Soul as measured in essences.
Thus is Death a distillation.
There be further research…
Lawe of Khayoss
by Akharis
phonemics transliterated by Volgera Darkstorm
The MAAThermatics of MA’Gi cK
Themes of the Law (literally; “that which sets grid”)
MA; defined as both MAAT (the Law of Chaos) and (that which Manifests)
from which derives ‘Manifesto’ and ‘Mephisto’
Ge; that which manifest (becomest earthen)
cK; assertion pronunciation of " ! "
abbreviation of glottal “Ankh”;
a Gate sound comparable to Ss and T! phonics.
Contemporary character includes;
“c” = receptacle, and “K” = opening/gate.
There are three stages of Chaotic Magickal process,
during which chaos is defined and bound that it may result in event;
(Illusion is Confusion)
Confusion Fusion Continuity
Te NUIT y ; Way of Night, flowing, falling
Discors on Chaotick Alchemick Prinsipal
by Xortan Throg
With Chaos, everything is illusion.
The worlde we take for granted be included.
The worlde is bounde and hald in place by connections.
Everything is illusionary until bounde and sette into temporal form.
This is a Law of fyzzicks.
It is a Law of Magickal Prinsipal
that Intent creates (stability&time) a single context, manifest as an Event.
Our rituals perform the functions of Shaping; binding the desire.
The design is the ritual formalization process through which this systematically occurs.
That is what Magick is; as a science.
One contained in All.
All contained in One.
The Grid (symbolized by 8-point Star)
The Spiral (symbolised by open Spiral)
The Circe of Chaos (symbolised by a circle)
The Spiral Web (symbolised by all the above three superimposed)
The Mobius ‘8’ (Infinity with a Nexus singularity,
And with a spiral in the twist)
These are the Grid Mechanics.
Abbyss of Shaddow Maynde
by Balthus Dire
The Abbyss appears to the Sorcerer
in form of the Symbuls hald in Attention
at the tyme of opening & entring.
The Abbyss is internul; that we shayreth.
It is a realm, real and accessable.
Summe nameth it Subconscious.
Its contaynt is our Maatrix.
From within Abbyss that we program phorme.
To returneth of Abbyss a sylven accorde is recquyred,
Wryng of Smoak
the Tarnished Cycle, by Kai Tigo
Reguarded that Water and Air are One entity that can splitt in twain
and to each of these elements can Heat and Cold be applied.
There are stages, gradients;
some occur naturally in the world,
are likened to phases of the moon and to mood.
The Water Cycle.
It is an alchemical process.
Water as Ice, Water as Steam.
The catalyst is heat; is Fire.
Water as Rain (Storm); Wind is the dance of hot and cold air.
It all depends on where the Heat is applied; through what focus.
Sacred mists; comprehending smoke as substantiation.
The addition of an Earth compound into a pure precipitation cycle.
Entities called upon to change a climate, thus
differing spirits act as different temperates to the basic elements;
and so it occurs that Soul is (equivalent to a) compound within these transitions.
The basic alchemy can be applied to the comprehension of Magick,
which uses different essences to create various results.
Spelle Almanac
Here be listed method, rune and spaken rites
for wyrkings of magick as given by sarcerers whose wyrds thou hast read.
Spell List
Allusion (1)
Chaos Web (+1)
Battallion (+2*)
Taint (4+)
Desecrate (6)
Enchaos Item (6)
Raise Skeleton (6)
Speak to Supernatural Being (6)
Spirit Journey (8)
Summon Supernatural Being (8)
Spell Descriptions
Allusion (1)
Based on the Illusion (1) spell;
this works upon the mind of an observer so that what they see is based upon preconceived ideas and recent symbolic frames of reference,
rather than what is actually happening at the time. It is cast upon an object rather than a person.
An Allusion is 'an implied or indirect reference' so that the affected party observes associations with the item rather than the item itself.
This can be especially powerful when dealing with pictorial imagery and written words but can also affect sound if the target is such that it generates noise.
Its affects last for several minutes; long enough for it to be used with Combine (+2) to embed it into other spells.
Chaos Web (+1)
Grid (+1) is the opposite of the Personalize (+1) and Befuddle (1) spells.
It formats known Intent from abstract methodology into a structured pattern.
It is useful for spell casters who are slightly unhinged or easily distracted.
Grid (+1) is a spell that affects the underlaying mechanics of how magic works, rather than altering physicality.
This version is called Chaos Web (+1). It structures subconsciously using unimaginably abstract systems of the chaotic,
rather than into any consciously apparent lawful order. Used in combination with other spells this streamlines otherwise difficult rituals.
This spell is regarded as a lazy wizards tool; spells may be cast without the wizard taking time to learn it;
however as a tool of chaos it most often warps the expected result away from the planned outcome. See Taint (4+).
Battallion (+2*)
This versatile Battle Magic spell is developed from an advanced form of the Combine (+2) spell called Extend (+2).
Basically it converts ordinary Magic and Priest Magic spells into Battle Magic spells, although it has other uses.
Battle Magic spells are more powerful and at lower STAMINA points cost than their regular Magic and Priest Magic equivalents.
For this reason Battle Magic spells are much more difficult to learn; multiply all factors (study time, experience points cost) by double.
It is believed that the intense stakes of war, the scale it works on, are to do with why 'the energies' are different for Battle Magic.
The particulars depend on the individual spell being converted; canon Battle Magic spells give specific details.
Below is the basic format for working out STAMINA points costs of any spell being converted.
The cost is the original Spell's STAMINA points plus Battalion STAMINA points to create the new spell.
Extentions are added on top of that as and when a sorcerer casts the new spell, depending on requirements.
2 square meters = unit of 10 men.
Range: approximately 10 meters, per (+1) STAMINA cost.
Area Affected: approximately 2 square meters / 2 meters diameter, per (+1) STAMINA points cost.
Magic Skill test difficulty modifier;
-2 for each additional 10 meters diameter Range
-2 for each additional 2 meters diameter Area effected.
Note that while this alters the original balance of how Lawful Magic and Priest Magic work in the canon material,
invocation of Chaos energies alters the original spells.
Directors are advised to read upon the Taint (4+) spell for further insight into the long-term effects of involvement with 'evil' powers.
Taint (4+)
Derived of the Curse (4) and Desecrate (6) spells.
Taint imprints the taint of chaos upon an affected item, place or person, slowly warping it.
A SKILL test may be made by a knowing victim in attempt to avoid this.
The specific details of how chaos taints the recipient is at the intent of the caster and discretion of the Director.
More extreme results may require additional points cost. As a basic device;
Taint imprints the 8-pointed star of chaos (or other rune) upon any recipient as a scar, tattoo, discolouration or alteration of features, etc.
These gradually take effect of warping the victim toward chaotic allegance.
Desecrate (6)
Enchaos Item (6)
A fusion of Enchant Item (6) and Taint (2+)
Raise Skeleton (6)
Speak to Supernatural Being (6)
Spirit Journey (8)
Summon Supernatural Being (8)
The illusions of mind with which this tome is bound are fashioned of Unicorn spire upon which a desecration.
It is hid within Abyss. The naming of this blade be Nihiliquis. Imbued with powers of
Immune from damage of fire, water, earth; inclusive of ripping, cutting, crushing.
The names of evil wizards presented as the accredited authors of this document's sections are copyright
to the Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks milieau originally published by Puffin Books
and have been used here due to the creation of this document necessitating it for use with roleplaying on the world of Titan.
The concept, content and construction of the Malevola Effulgenia are entirely the product of Ordo Octopia
and are given non-for-profit as a goodwill gesture to the roleplaying and magickal communities
provisional upon inclusion of this disclaimer.
No responsibility of any of these parties is to be intended upon nor sanctioned
for free will use and distribution of the information contained herein.
The Malevola Effulgenia available in two editions;
Olde Inglyshe and Common Tongue translation,
is currently a work in progress.
©2012 Ordo Octopia