A necessary debriefing
Is it ethical to judge one person by the standards (actions and beliefs) of another person?
Is it ethical to reward or punish person A for something which person B did?
Is it ethical to judge one culture by the standards of another culture?
Is it ethical to judge a person or culture based on the assumptions and ways of an entirely different culture?
Do you agree that confusion can arise when two cultures have cultural overlaps?
For example the Greek word for ‘yes’, is ‘ne’ - which in most of Europe means ‘no’.
This is despite Classical Greece being cited as ‘the basis for modern western civilization’.
As with ancient Sumeria, Babylonia, Egypt, Africa, Meso-America, North America, and many other nations; Greece is a Pagan culture with a pantheon of different deities. It is not a monotheistic civilisation. Most civilisations are not monotheistic.
An Egyptian scribe taught me during a research trip that my known-as name of "joe" written in the ancient hieroglyphs is ‘snake apple tree’. I was surprised, because those are powerful symbols. I chose to use this to my advantage.
I took it on as a web moniker, as a stage-name for when I do live gigs, as an authors pen-name. Later I sold the rights to its use to a company called Ordo Octopia so they could use a caricature based on the idea of what I was attempting to achieve, for promotional purposes and for public interface.
By comparison: Mickey Mouse was a creation of Walter Disney the man and intellectual property of Walt Disney the corporation. Mickey Mouse exists long after Walter has passed over, and is used as a commercial vehicle and as an internationally recognizable logo.
SnakeAppleTree is ergo a commercial vehicle and international recognisable logo.
This website is intellectual property of Ordo Octopia, a group originally established for the study of Hermetic Arts but not limited to that. It is not a cult. It was never intended to be a cult. The closest it comes to that is to close its doors to anybody who sincerely believes it to be a cult. It does deal with the occult which simply defined means 'hidden knowledges'. This is inevitable in translating written languages of ancient civilisations such as Aegyptian and Meso-American stone carvings.
For this purpose; the caricature SnakeAppleTree is regarded primarily as a contemporary shaman of the transmigration school. This extends multi-disciplinary, multi-media (inclusive of the Arts; painting, music, literature) interests as much as historical and perceptual-psychological research and teachings including Jungian counselling.
The words ‘snake apple tree’ abbreviated for modern convenience to SAT invoke different mythologies with affinity to all of the above mentioned civilisations and cultures. They all stem from the same root. They all have different and similar interpretations of what the symbols mean. Every culture has its own variants of this timeless myth.
I have to establish as a given fact that the faux-christian Church of England mindset with whom I have experienced frequent encounters has repeatedly shown prejudice against ‘snake apple tree’ as the non-existent 'devil', thus proving them not to be christed consciousness.
Gemetria for snake-apple-tree is 888 the same gemetria as for ‘jesus’ which is an interesting factor in all of this. Gemetria is the study of number relations as underlaying laws of our manifest multiverse and experiences of Life, that which we call the Creation. Ergo, there is an element of the messianic to what 'snake apple tree' represents. It is written into the fabric of the manifestation we call Creation. It is unavoidable when dabbling with archetypal symbolism and deities. Thus it is a resource with its own inherent persona, readily identifiable.
Snake Apple Tree is pagan, initiate to the Black Panther branch of the ancient Jaguar priesthood, a transmigratory awareness. He is not modern christian and therefore the relevance of the opening questions becomes significant. As a vessel, as a gate, snake-apple-tree draws from and synchronises the energy of all preceding cultures which have used the configuration.
Another translation, equally as accurate, of the Heiroglyph symbols is
Serpent Heart Feather.
Another, equally as accurate is
Serpent Heart Blade.
Ancient Egyptians used the same symbols to convey multiple layers of meanings and hidden knowledges. Perhaps this is why the mythology is so powerful as to have been found in cultures throughout the world containing similar and related meanings.
When comprehending what Snake Apple Tree is all about, I request sanity; that you refrain from interpreting it only through the mindset of one specific culture, which has its own limiting bias. Here we are re-inventing and distilling the concept into a cohesion relevant for todays modern world.
Snake Apple Tree is not Satan. It is not a cult.
SnakeAppleTree makes no intention of cult leadership status.
Anybody who believes that it is these things, is quite clearly delusional, mentally unstable.
SnakeAppleTree is by self-definition a contemporary shaman and academic researcher into ancient civilisations, attempting to transmit ancient knowledges to the living and unborn generations. This is done intentionally for education and Human betterment.
SnakeAppleTree the caricature is also a pre-millennial Goth
from British nineteen-eighties sub-cultural street-style.