"The eight-point star as a symbol marks early human understanding of the intellegent order that underlies our universe. Today, it carries religous and mystical associations. Known as the khatam in Islamic cultures, it and its variants are found at the center of stunning zillij masterpieces throughout Morocco. Amidst the color and compostion, the khatam stands as a symbol of early astronomy, interconnectedness, and faith in the ultimate harmony of Creation. In this way, the khatam represents the highest virtues in Moroccan culture: learning, community, faith, and love of beauty."
"Chaos is the psychic energy that composes Warp space. More generally 'Chaos' refers to anything related to Chaos including its influence the Gods of Chaos their followers and the Warp. Chaos is almost synonymous with the Warp. The two concepts are inseparable: Chaos is the limitless ocean of spiritual & emotional energy that defines the Warp. It is a great & raw force of change & power and is both physically and spiritually corrupting. The most gifted mortals psykers can utilise this energy thus making them capable of abilities which transcend the laws of the material universe. However the malevolent power of Chaos can gradually corrupt a psyker, tainting his mind and body. The iconic symbol of Chaos is the eight-pointed star, representing the infinite possibilities of Chaos." http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Chaos
It is fascinating to note that the 8-pointed Star is associated by different philosophies
with representing both corrupting chaos and law of structured order of the universe.
I postulate that it is therefore a symbol for the gate between these two oppositional concepts.
The 8-pointed star holds a center in balance.
The 8-pointed star represents chaos flowing in all directions.
It is necessarily paradox because it is both polarities at once.
In this, it is a cycle of infinite renewal and re-invention,
a powerful source of energy;
perpetual motion and alchemical distillation.
It becomes necessary to invoke another symbol;
that of STABILITY, when dealing with Chaos.
The Triangle represents the most stable object known.
A fusion of these two concepts is
the OCTRINE (aka octra)
which has a monatomic needle precision at its Y axle apex;
cursive sides of a cone comprising increasingly complex and versatile arrays toward
X axis liquid elasticity of motion
obviously it is a multi-dimensional shape
that can be rendered in 2D or 3D
as seen below
your challenge is to comprehend it as 4D (time)
the Trine is both KEY and Folding Point between the twin aspects of 8
with representing both corrupting chaos and law of structured order of the universe.
I postulate that it is therefore a symbol for the gate between these two oppositional concepts.
The 8-pointed star holds a center in balance.
The 8-pointed star represents chaos flowing in all directions.
It is necessarily paradox because it is both polarities at once.
In this, it is a cycle of infinite renewal and re-invention,
a powerful source of energy;
perpetual motion and alchemical distillation.
It becomes necessary to invoke another symbol;
that of STABILITY, when dealing with Chaos.
The Triangle represents the most stable object known.
A fusion of these two concepts is
the OCTRINE (aka octra)
which has a monatomic needle precision at its Y axle apex;
cursive sides of a cone comprising increasingly complex and versatile arrays toward
X axis liquid elasticity of motion
obviously it is a multi-dimensional shape
that can be rendered in 2D or 3D
as seen below
your challenge is to comprehend it as 4D (time)
the Trine is both KEY and Folding Point between the twin aspects of 8
"Octarine, the colour of magic, the magical colour, it's... it's sort of... well, try describing mauve to the colour-blind. Most of us just have no frame of reference. It's the eighth colour of the Discworld rainbow, where we might expect ultra-violet, but Discworld light is odd stuff anyway, travelling thousands of times slower than Einstein's standard. We're not sure how Discworld eyes work at (presumably) much lower frequencies, but octarine is invisible even to most inhabitants of Discworld. The eyes of Wizards, however, contain, besides the usual rods and cones, octagons that detect octarine. They try to describe it most often as a kind of greenish-purple.
It is called the colour of magic because magical discharges are typically accompanied by emanations of the highest-energy light – octarine.
Less magically-sensitive humans can nevertheless see where octarine should be: 71-hour Ahmed points out the blackness around the edges of the magical fire that engulfs their ship to its captain during the events of Jingo. Here, he says, it is octarine but as we can't see it, it appears as a hole in space." http://wiki.lspace.org/wiki/Octarine
It is called the colour of magic because magical discharges are typically accompanied by emanations of the highest-energy light – octarine.
Less magically-sensitive humans can nevertheless see where octarine should be: 71-hour Ahmed points out the blackness around the edges of the magical fire that engulfs their ship to its captain during the events of Jingo. Here, he says, it is octarine but as we can't see it, it appears as a hole in space." http://wiki.lspace.org/wiki/Octarine
When X becomes Y; and Beyond...
OSTARA is the old ougan word...
('augen' pronounced "awn" or 'ogham' pronounced "ohm";
it begat contemporary 'wiccan' through old dialect 'wiggan' for 'pagan',
after masculine Pa was replaced by female W)
...for what became known as Easter; a time of fertility and regeneration, of spring (life) returning after winter (death). There are many pagan European mythologies regarding it (ie; Persephone & Demeter). Evident throughout is the association with REBIRTH. I mention this here because oct=ost.
Ostara is situated at the opposite end of the annual cycle to the Autumnal, Gregorian Catholic calendar month of October.
('augen' pronounced "awn" or 'ogham' pronounced "ohm";
it begat contemporary 'wiccan' through old dialect 'wiggan' for 'pagan',
after masculine Pa was replaced by female W)
...for what became known as Easter; a time of fertility and regeneration, of spring (life) returning after winter (death). There are many pagan European mythologies regarding it (ie; Persephone & Demeter). Evident throughout is the association with REBIRTH. I mention this here because oct=ost.
Ostara is situated at the opposite end of the annual cycle to the Autumnal, Gregorian Catholic calendar month of October.