P is for Plastic ![]() Plastic is mostly made as a bi-product of the oil industry. Increasingly we recycle used plastic. Most of it ends up in a land refill site. We can now also make plastic out of organic materials, plants. It doesn't last as long as the oil based stuff. We usually associate Rainbows with Light, it being the defracted colour spectrum we get when using a prism or raindrops or chemtrail grains in the air. Oil is black once refined, and the light sheens from it in oily rainbow. So the rainbow feathers of the black serpent of the underdark are equally as real as the kundalini bridge seen wherever mother nature reminds us of the invisible world, filtering white Sun through white Rain; the blue and the gold. Plastic is really useful stuff. Recently I have been playing with Orgonite. I don't know for sure if Resin is technically a plastic, I assume that it is another chemical derivative of the oil industry. Orgonite feels lush, it is cleansing through the whole of the body and lightbody. It feels gushy and sensual, it is excited to be flowing and abruptly it sets hard. It does both these states at the same time. I study with crystals which is a process of attunement, and Orgonite is semi-crystal; the resin component is set dry to the same helix as the crystal that is within it. I have seeen videos made by people of Orgonite being placed in a tub of water in the freezer; the ice also freezes to the same helix as the orgonite. It amplifies the crystals energy. Orgonite is the very basic crystaline technology that we have begun playing with yet. I have an idea to involve copper wire coils within it that can be electrified to amplify the effect further still, in much the same way that Tesla was able to increase the power of a metal radio aerial by electrifying it, so the air around it became a part of the receiver/transmitter. The width of the wire, coils and amps of electricity must all correspond to the same harmonic number, one which relates to the magnetic spectrum inherent in copper. Our land refill sites are dead zones. Nothing can grow in them because they contain plastic, metal, glass, and more dangerous fibers. Trash. Once decaying, plastic reverts to the toxic crude oil brown state. We are drawing up oil from beneath mother earths skin; which I seriously believe she intended for us to do all along, she did not want poison oil fields deep down beneath her skin so she set us to task, to filter it back into the soil, which is why we have built so many oil filters to break it down into its gaseous elements, we call these things cars. Ultimately it is for the best because the chance of a volcanic eruption blasting up through an oil field, plunging the skies into a cataclysmic vision of hell, fire and darkness. I'm certain this has happened in the past; there is a record in Brewer's Phrase & Fable that the skies of Europe went black for four years during the 15th century; a medieval cataclysm during and probably heralding the Dark Ages (plural; I often wonder why this is), changing the culture, initiating widespread travel. All the plants died so people began migrating searching for food. It shook up the previously stable homesteader culture, changing things for ever. The nature of the element oil revealed as connected with travel and transition. My wonder is that given oil floats on top of water, how did the stuff get down there beneath the rock in the first place? We are told that oil is made from ancient forests. That would require the rock of the worlds surface layers to have formed on top of ancient rainforests, which involves volcanic eruptions of ash to be compressed into stone, and magma to set hard into stone, containing the rainforests beneath them in a cavity, without crushing them. Given the locations of the oil fields and the likelihood that the 'Swelling Earth' postulation is accurate based on all evidence, it seems more likely that the crude oil is created by some other means, perhaps from gas bubbles from the molten core. It is a mystery. And so it is that we are creating, not so deep beneath earths skin, dead sites; just as we are covering the surface with dead concrete of the urban wilderness. Life cannot thrive in a wilderness environment. And we most of us live in the middle of concrete jungles, we live within spike electric cages, in square stone cells. It has been proven time and again that for health, we need to live outdoors and in round dwellings, close to and with an immediate relationship with nature. We really are doing ourselves in. Recently I have been reading reports that the polymers entering the food chain - they claim every grain of sand on the ocean floors is now encased in a thin layer of plastic - that it having the effect of changing the age girls reach puberty, from approx 15 to approx 10. Physically able to conceive at ten when the age of consent is in the uk 16 and most women are not mentally and emotionally ready to bare offspring until in their twenties. The widening gulf between nature's wild, experimental nature and human social laws governing and pruning our own human nature, are highlighted here. If it is pollution that can cause children to physically come of age at a younger age, could it also be pollution that is causing psychological abhorations? And if so, who is to judge what is to be abhored and what is organic progress? Strange ethical issues that raise a lot of anger in a lot of people; pollution causing people who themselves use plastic on a hourly basis. We have to trust Mother Nature. She knows what she is doing. Mother Nature created humans to act as her tools. To extract and filter the oil, giving us an industry and a mode of transport as we convert it to gaseous form in a million tiny converters called 'cars', is a part of Her Great Scheme. We are intended to be using petrol based polymers, we are intended to finish up all the worlds oil supplies, before converting wholly over to hydrogen engines and cleaner technologies. A thousand years from now there will be little left to show from the Oil Age other than in a few museums. What we will have by then is plant-based polymers,we are already producing the early version of that technology. I am reminded of the Mayans who made rope-bridges from vine and encased them in gum from gum tree's to make them stronger. It all rotted away eventually after they stopped doing it (knowledge lost due to cultural genocide from invaders) but we do remember they made balls, helmets to protect babies heads Olmec stone carvings) and dipped their feet in the gum so they could tend their swamp crops. So we should enjoy being a part of Natures transition, the dirty era of extracting nasty, to make a safer world for future generations. They won't tell you this in reclaim re-use recycle lessons about the devastating effect of pollution. There is a vast plastic conglomeration floating in the middle of the Pacific ocean. I haven't figured out what it is for yet, in an optimistic way, other than perhaps covering with sheets of soil and making an artificial land mass?
P is for: Pentacle Protection Plastic Primitivism Categories