PBP12 snakeappletree 10.1.16
My involvement with the Pagan Blog project 2012 gave me a necessary distraction from stressful Family Court proceedings during which time my histrionic ex-partner, mother of our wonderful young son, was throwing everything she had by way of nasty at me; involving her association with the local black coven who were enjoying the suffering caused, by her, by myself, by our son. It was their twisted insight which had torn our relationship apart in the first place. So I was at that time under a large volume of psychic attack by the shape and flavour of Welsh wiccan black witches. Living in a region where Paganism and specifically Wicca along with Druidry are the largest growing folk religions and training schools into the mystical arts, and being one myself albeit my Hedge Witchery being that of a White Wizard despite the slander campaign against me, it is a topic i have come to know a lot about, having studied Pagan magic’s and rituals from all over the world and with many teachers. I am also a lifelong student and teacher of Zen Buddhism, and identify my ex and her gang to be (in the words of Yaqui Sorcerer Don Carlos) 'Petty Tyrants' necessary for making me both a Master of Zen and a Man of Knowledge. My involvement with the Pagan Blog Project was originally intended by way of my teaching some level of insight into my unique take on the subject. The title is Pagan rather than Wiccan/Druid although the vast number of specifically those schools who connected into its cauldron unofficially but acknowledgeable overwhelmingly focussed the Project to fall inline with the psychology and methods inherent in those schools. It was a shame really but hardly a surprise since the woman who originated it in the first place is herself a practising witch and was most certainly using a lot of ritual focus on her project, involving all the rest of us into its format. That is what happens when energies are streamlined into a context grid with very specific perameters; we conform or we are repelled. The weave is so complicated that for myself as a magickal polymath having been trained and studied of many diverse schools, and achieving the stage I have with that, I found it is impossible to do one without the other; I am both repelled and attracted. It is necessary for me to instruct that each school and its dogmatic rigid formats are only one piece in a much larger jigsaw; that to see the whole picture one must let go of the doctrine of their background education and become more accepting of a wider range of systems which often contradict the principles of personal foundations. I am grateful to PGP12 because it helped me during a dark time of my life. Now, todays date 1.10.16 I believe I am through that; all of the waves have collapsed and I am at liberty, with a few hours to correlate my notes somewhat. I never completed the Project by entering ‘one theme per Alphanumeric’ however I did manage to enter an average of three themes per blog and so I believe I have made up for it, although I still do not have an entry for every letter of the alphabet as the original outline plan. Here, then; is the work I did which for me was a useful retrospective of how I had come that far as well as an excuse to do some more research into some areas of interest. I felt that it was futile for me to repeat the same information that many other PGP bloggers were doing into obvious core topics involved in Wicca. Instead, I did it my way. It usually works out best for me when I do. The court gave us 50/50 shared residency of my son, we now have a timeshare kid. His mother still refuses to give me any relevant information which I require, her petty hate crew of man-hating broken people are still nasty to me but at least it is now over a year since she has had me wrongfully arrested after setting me up for crimes which she has allegedly paid other people using money and sex to frame me for. The police are fully aware of the situation and regard it as Hate Crime. She is something between Catwoman from Batman and Lilith from the black bible. In the three years since PGP12 I have accelerated in my own studies and matured in my abilities. I have a lot more experience now than I did in and preceding 2012. There is much in here that I would do very differently were I to do it again and even more which I should write about that I have not (yet). I will given time however that will be elsewhere, unless a few of those missing Alphanumerics are filled in with information relevant from where I am at now. It all takes time and focus. After the importance of a clean heart and truthful mind, that it takes time and focus is perhaps the next most important lesson; in Life, in magickal acts, in the place where Life and Magickal Acts are one and the same singularity: Gnosis.
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heterosexual pagan Archives
January 2016