![]() E is for Education Verses Intuition “Always Trust your Instinct” It is argued in many new age spirituality groups that “all true knowledge comes only from within”. I wholly agree that Archaic Revivalism requires a return to primitive roots and primitive inner vision questing. Rousseau's Noble Savage. Jungian Archetypes provide us with common consensus even when ‘Going Within’. Because we are alive, we question. Our nature is the Seeker. “Wy” is a Saxon word from where derives ‘why’ and other words of which we have forgotten the original meaning of the –suffix; ‘wic’ ‘wish’ ‘wile’ - I am sure you can think of other examples. And you should. Many questions the answers for which come from two sources; External and Internal. From these we develop a Precept and a Percept; a world-view. Our knowledge-base. It is a grid through which our reality experience is filtered and made sense of. We are taught; ideas, concepts; from external sources. The difference between reliance on external concept, and reliance on inner awareness, is perhaps the biggest factor in human belief structures and activities, in defining what we are. The astute recognizes that to verify the External information as valid, we run it through our Internal check-system first. We weigh it up. We compare it to and from our existing knowledge base. We analyze it with our Instinct before accepting or denying it. My mother calls this a ‘built-in bullshit detector’. In traditional Egyptian spiritual beliefs, the accurateness of this ability is said to relate directly with our own Integrity. We use the word Integrity for two purposes; ‘ability to accept new information’ and also ‘coherence, probity, virtuousity, rectitude’. It is a lesson in truth and falsehood that ‘to know truth we must be true’. This is a discipline which only the Truthful can accurately verify. It affects our whole world-view, inner and outer. “We see as we sey” I have spelled it here with an ‘e’ because the concept ‘say’ and the concept ‘sey’ are two different aspects of a similar topic. I’m sure you can work it out for yourself given the context. More recently, autopsy scientists analyzing human brains have proven that liars frontal lobes consist of short-lived, white stem-cells wheras the frontal lobes of honest corpses consists of durable gray stem-cells. We are hardwired depending on our honesty. Contemplate; “to Hone”. In combination with aboriginal Australian people's shamanic concept of "the Songlines" (read Bruce Chatwin novel of the same name) and in combination with contemporary (early 21st century) scientific evidence that human preconceptions manifest reality experience, the value of Truth becomes respectable as a desirable Way of Being. It needs to be established here that reliance purely on mental contexts without arbitration from Instinct and Intuition, is called Brainwashing and those who function on this method are called Zomba. I will finish this brief blog with a question to contemplate: What is the difference between Instinct and Intuition?
heterosexual pagan Archives
January 2016