Shamanic Monologue
Apology the machine stopped recording, ran out of space, before the monologue was finished. The important basics are all in there already; later, the missing part, is re-iteration of the earlier precepts and some development which is self-evident to the astute.
The carrier wave is the sacred sound. This is how attunement of physical emotional mental perceptual frequencies to these specific tones is able to harmonize us with the spectrum of that frequency, which is itself a gate. Some of these tones carry perceptual awareness through.
The Observer affects the Observed.
Everything happening around us and to us, we are generating; or we are zomba involved with a massive generation of some scheme that we are all at some level programmed to be manifesting.
It has become ESSENTIAL that the shaman strip their subconscious, their belief system, of all programs; the total empty perception; because it is these aspects that generate the reality. We must separate ourselves from the mass-perception, which is mass-deception. This detachment is evolution away from the ties binding us to the group manifestation. It is possible to achieve this.
Believe nothing; only Instinct.
The word prana has several meanings; instinct, energy, will. Martial Adepts consider it True Self. It is the perfect poise sought by pedigree breed standards in animal shows. Honing it as reflex rather than the skew of the meme programs interfering became a tau of focus and discipline.
That is All that counts from now onward.
Everything else is your choice to give it credit by believing it or not.
Believe none of it. Only Now is real and it is filtered by preconceptions. Do not think in terms of language, which is advanced memetic brainwash with its own conceptual and perceptual bias that steers how your manifestation works.
The rest of the audio recording went on to discuss how Reality is Frequency based on Harmonics rather than linear principle and how to free ourselves from linear perception. This involves two polarized directions to train perception in:
1) The stabilizing of Self in Now, removing all threads of Self from past and future, to massively energize Self Now to boost ability to change Reality.
2) The fracturing of Self out of Now, to perceive Reality not as a linear but as a frequency based harmonic that has been shattered. Perception of multiple moments from and as unity develops perception of individual incarnations not seen as isolated linear series but as unified Self consciousness across multiple incarnations. Be aware that the initial sharing of segregated incarnations of Self is at perceptual harmonic and be aware that energy is sent through these gates to and from other time-mass based incarnations. Sending Love to Self in other incarnations is a shamanic ritual for empowerment, that raises the frequency of all aspects of Self.
Reality is holistic and organic. Self is either Prana or Sansara.
Self is Energy capable of altering Reality to conform to Prana or Sansara.
Magickal Ritual focus the Awareness required for Butterfly Effect.
Additional: What is the wibbly noise in the background at 21.46 seconds, that is distracting me? I didn't hear it but the audio picked it up - notice how I was speaking distracted without knowing why, at the time it is wibbling. What is that?
"The dakini is the memory of the body." Demchog Tantra
Additional 26.3.2012: This [the above paragraph, Section 1) given, it means that people from the future are re-creating us ow into their schemes, and that is what is controlling our experience of life. We are taught that we are the consequences of the past. This is erroneous. Even if it was once true, evolution has reached such state now, and the fabric of reality has arrived at such state now, that we may be free of the past and we face a new paradigm. The 'ripple effect' is when we perceive proofs of what is to come; for every event, every changing event, stands as a node in the fabric and it sends out ripples of its form. From within linear time, we perceive these ripples prior to and following from the event. With the Time as frequency model we perceive a lighter future and a denser past; we ascend, much the same as life forms rise from the bottom of the ocean, breaking through compression depths until we reach the surface tension which offers us a dual vision of mirrored image and the sky beyond; and may break through. I like this metaphor of imagining time as an ocean rather than linear. Our place in it is two aspects. One, the body to which the observer self is bound, and two the body which is itself bound in time because time/mass. Time and Matter are the same thing. Both are measured in frequency, which means; how fast it is vibrating, Achieving wave-consciousness is necessary to hold the vision of time as ocean. It is a vantage allowing consciousness further expansion than holding rigidly to the linear model consciousness.
Mind can be of two forms; open and closed, focused and wide. An horizontal X axis or a vertical Y axis. We are the curve between. When open, we sift external drift. When narrowed we form a tight concentrated beam, that sends the confined waveform. It is when we send the cone up, focus, that our beam our intent is strong and seers through.
Visualise the shape of this; a needle tip point curves down through a web of strands of meaning, into a wide and soft base. It is a cone. Traditionally the triangle or pyramid shape was used to determine this because the shamen were comprehending the material world through it, hence a chess-board base. Here we have a circle base and are interested in the resonance of the object. This shape in an ocean ripples out at all layers, we can divide it infinitely; various -ologies ( use 3, 5, 7, etc. trinary basic, pentacle dynamics, chakra system for beginners, etc). What we are measuring is Impact upon Fabric of Reality; for the Changing nodes altar the shape of the holistic web. Sensitives feel this and synaesthetics visualise it, hear it audibly as tones. We have senses to explore these realms. I offer here a symbolism system for consensus discourse.
People form the future are recreating us in their memory image, and those people are us. Research the meaning of the Tibetan buddist word Tulku. As future-selves evolve and leave behind the past, they drop 'negative' dense aspects of self, and we rise with it. Crowley discussed that reality moves perpetually toward a state of Love, I suspect this is a part of what he was explaining, applied to non-linear awareness. The cone of self is an entity stretching from the bottom of the ocean all the way up and the points along it are incarnations. The cone is increasingly self aware and we exist as part of it. [HP Lovecraft wrote about such creatures that look like this and exist in another dimension, his creatures were horrors that drove the ego-mind mad until it could comprehend what it had seen, that is so far beyond its regular comprehension. By dealing with the Fear of Cthulhonic entities, we discover how deep the secret methods of his version of Egyptian freemasonry, gleaned and warped from his fathers books, actually peers into the Real; hence the mythos being described and studied as a cult. Once the symbolism is known for what it is referring to, there is no horror. Lovecraft used Fear as a tool to stimulate the mind to develop in specific directions; the models implanted into consciousness of the sorcerer eventually become, later in life, word-labels to describe specific aspects of multi-dimensional enterprise.
People form the future then, are higher vibrational frequency than are ourselves here&now. The light before the sound before material manifestation, the light helix reprograms the denser spectrums. We cannot see beyond the top cutoff point because it travels too fast for our perceptions. We must leave the dense body to astral travel into those faster dimensions, the dreamworlds. They vibrate faster and higher than us, and their Dreaming controls our life experience. We ultimately beomce their unified consiousness, their identity oif Self watches our fractured segregated aspects of the one unified self, our incarnated lives, and sends streams thorugh them of unified consciousness. We are like this as individuals and the same pattern is believed to apply to our species and to all life. [In Ura we use the world Schoal to mean both 'group collective consciousness ,awareness' and 'school'.\ We can plug into the higher versions of self and their abilities by choosing to do so and allowing it to happen. It requires ego death because ego is dense, pertaining to the material world and Now, not to the free self liberated of all such desires and concerns.
Up above, in the higher faster frequencies, is all seperate selves scattered over time, self-aware as one single entity. The word continuity is not quite right because it is collective. Continuity within linear time; tonal harmonics as seen from outside of linear time. Up above this, the human collective consciousness as one entity. And then all Life. Each layer may comprehend Reality in wider terms. The entire fabric and our relation to it changes as we ascend to higher awarenesses.
There are entities that exist at these higher awarenesses. Historically we have called them Archons and Angels, confusing these words with other defined entities.
There is also the grid, the reality that is shaped by consciousness. It is made of Light. Some spirits tell me it is a cage, and they exist outside of it, to travel and explore. I do not judge them to be dark compared to light and therefore inferior. I judge them to be generous in sharing with me their discoveries, showing me the wider nature of reality experience. Consciousness is not Mind. It is Empathic.
Integrating an awareness of the god-like aspects of the Self is one thing, yet difficult to do anything practical with while stuck within in the time/mass domain. Next step; learn lucid dream and astral projection. Other voices say; 'It all happens naturally in its own time.'
Seone is a word form the teaching school of Ura, a scifi/spirit book I channeled during my twenties. The concepts from it went beyond expectation and it is taking me years to assimilate and translate into functional practical knowledge. that can be shared cohesively. Elements of it appear here and there through my writing, which itself is a method of assmbling the data for re-interpretation back into the novel. Seone means Era, it also means Sea-One which is the symbol for all the Sea's after, because the evolution of the ura ocean was in stages. I have used the word here for internal frame of reference because the subject relates. This paragraph may be taken as an aside until you have assimilated a wider range of my writing enough to know the second-level frames of awareness linking these topics to other writing. The jig-saw puzzle is 4D but by words can only be taught in 3D at best and most usually in 2D. I am not talking visual imagery but concepts linking a paradigm. The levels are holistic. In the Ura dialect it is pronounced 'shown' as in 'revealed' and the dual meaning is intended, it relates to the scrying pools of the ocean priests of Ura. In later spaceways cant the word is pronounced 'say-Whan' which means 'to speak the wind'.