"That which we See is that which we Sey" *
(What we See is what we Say)
A warning that if we are not honest then we will not know Truth.
This important concept is the foundation of Egyptian spirituality and the Way of Life.
* Sey is not a typo.
Compare the word Ley as in ley-lines, conduit through which geo-spiritual energy flows, with the word Lay, to position oneself horizontal. Say is a word which means 'general talking' while 'Sey' is a word which means more specifically 'to create by talking' (for the extant of purpose).
This is the first sequence I translated from Egyptian Hieroglyphs, from a 'Cave of Many Splendors' (Al-uddin) which grandmother took me too in Kernow, Briton.
Egyptian hieroglyphs are structured that the direction in which the animal and human figures face, toward the East the rising Sun the Source, Ra; shows where to begin reading it and in which direction. Therefore when you enter a temple/library/book, you enter as if from the Sun and the writing on both your left and your right is read from the door toward the altar-place at the back. The sections/pages/cartouche and any pillars (scrolls/trees/djed) in the room, reflect this.
Additionally, the sequence to your left and to your right mirror one another, but not symetricaly. The deviation is necessary because it gives a third level of meaning.
1) what the pictures say as individual pictures (each is both a letter and a full word and a full story - thats 3 layers of meaning already)
2) what the pictoglyphs say in sequence
3) what the pictoglyphs say within a cartouche but not in any particular sequence
4) what the pictoglyphs say when you compare the left-hand sequence with the right hand sequence taking into account the deviation
5) the deviation itself - what that says.
You can see that there are many different tenses and contexts possible, and ideally intended, by the meanings. The ancients were practical and they knew that saying precisely what you intend to say, also fell to the risk of misinterpretation. They also knew that not everybody is ready to comprehend the whole story on all its levels, and so they relate the information at different levels of perception and ability. So they backed themselves up. It is an ideological attitude to begin and they were practical, reasonable, accepting that in reality most people would never be aware of this, nor most scribes able to achieve it. It is accepted that most texts would never achieve that level of perfection and would fall short in many places, thus leading to confusion.
On top of this, (see 1) each pictoglyph also has several different possible translations, different meanings. Eventually the language changed as concepts emerged for which more meanings were required, so during different era's it mutated quite a lot. From that we can interpret the educational level and the social level of each generation and what they were knowingly, intentionally and secretly communicating. Only the Highest and most studious of priests were taught what I am teaching here; How to read the hieroglpyhs. This is your very first lesson and it has been done properly within sight of Ra and under guidance of Thoth.
All of these layers of meaning are cross-collaborative and each layer of interpretation is real, is a platform level of reality, a perception. The symbol for djed pillar is similar to the Greek symbol for 'Arete' - both speak of the same thing, the perceptual strata or layers of mind which, as study of science was further embellished (as a known and as graven imagery), became symbolic for how energy waves are arranged in layers of higher vibration and lower density the further we ascend. Development of psychic awareness comes from studying all this.
And now we come to the actual translation of these four, major elements of our own study.
Each component has its own historic meaning as well as spelling a simple letter. I have characterized the eye myself to give the bias that we are to read this from Left toward Right, the purpose for this is because I am utilizing the foundational word (the three dots) in a particular way.
Masonic Students will recognize that if you read the same four images the other way around, from Right toward Left, you will see within it the shape of the Pyramid-Eye. Both of these were intended by the original writers. By comparing these two readings, you will recognize Solomons Seal; the overlay of two triangles which is the symbol for the phrase 'as above, so below' in modern popular useage. A third layer of meaning comes by understanding this three-dimensional shape as a game-board through which the fourth-dimensional time of particle motion enters and alters the components during its distillation. Here of course, all of this is indicated as verbal: word games; "That which issues forth," and the Flow of Life. A versatile and flexible center because, "we see as we sey' is comparable by contrast with the defined-centered Ankh symbol and what that symbolizes.
By this symbol do we open up a Vortice; here, a very pure one. May that be the sign of your education into this mystery school and your journey of understanding through the unveiling of its wisdoms.
GRAIN (sand, seed) "begins" "start"
RU (mouth / vagina) "that which issues forth" it is vital to understand this properly: it is not only talking about that which we are observing but it is talking about that which we are creating by the act of speech. Association of the mouth and the vagina underlines this intention;
ZIG-ZAG (water / fire / wave-form) "flow of energy"
EYE ** "sight" which in this context means not only 'that which we see' but 'that which we project'.
** note this is not an Udjet eye; the udjet/wedjet is formed by addition of characterized versions of the other elements into it as a symbol indicating "sight of the farseer (pharoah)" - this entire sequence is a primal form of the udjet symbol and concept. This lesson is First Level Symbols; the Udjet like the Ankh is Second Level symbols.
The second-level symbol Ankh is a circle of completion on top of the Tau cross ('direct path to balanced horizon', indicating 'Ascent'). For our purposes at this Level 2 stage we can translate the Key of Life (Ankh) symbol to mean; those and only those who are pure to the Way of Being of Truth will come to completion, in balance and harmony, so as to access the Whole.
T (the Way)
Ru (see above)
Th (from Thoth, "knowing" and "thought")
There are very few of us who live in todays society who walk this path and gain access to this insight. May students of this discipline align yourselves with beneficial balance despite all hardship and adversity.
snakeappletree 10.1.16
(as so many times before)
See now also: SARFA (lesson two)