![]() C is for Crystals January 13 2012, I sh0wed a woman who sells crystals, beads and pretty things, that I wear a Merlinite gemstone, which has taken several years to find its way to me. She raised her eyebrows and told me that only recently she met another stranger who claims to be of the bloodline of Merlin the Enchanter. I laughed, this is certainly possible. We all carry many levels of reality around with us. When I gave up smoking weed, on the basis I had become immune to it, I made Water and Crystals my new spirit ally's. Of all the crystals and gemstones that I have experimented with, my favourites include; Rose Quartz. Years of depression which no amount of anything could improve. One week of cuddling a raw, rough hewn chunk of rose quartz to my chest as I slept each night and I was irretrievably cured. Its amazing stuff. It teaches self-love, the cure to depression, and so therefore it teaches love for others also. It is affordable and commonly available and everybody should have access to it. Rose quartz works far better than any pharmacy chemical. I trust it completely and there is no better gemstone available for introducing people into the reality of what crystals can do. Herkimer Diamond. High grade quartz. I spent months with a piece on my crown chakra under my hat, it blew me open all the way to the skies! We have many higher chakras, a 'white cone' emerges from the top of our heads like a Lotus bloom; the rainbow chakras in the physical body are merely the roots. Most of our Being is up in the sky, the higher altitudes of Earth magnetic zone. We have an eye at the center top. That's what we are when we are working properly, like flowers. It is so different from the day to day awareness of every other day of our lives. Fluorite. This stuff just turns me to jelly, its gushy and soft. The physical sensation is similar to drinking the steroid and water based blood plasma they give people in hospitals through a drip. Kind nurse let me drink some once upon a time just to find out. Its also similar to Orgonite, although the resin is more chemical, but its a sexy nice chemical flow. I use Fluorite for gushing out into the planes of the frequency-web and enhancing my heart-voice-vision-insight for the water-sharing ability by which I can 'read' other peoples aura from the biol-electric of the waterbody. I believe the reason for this is that Fluorite turns your own rigid grip, the light-bodies configuration, into a gelatinous mush so its easier to detach from yourself and attune to other people, to sense their configuration. Amethyst. I could never get Amethyst to do much for me by way of opening my third eye. I went for a chakra reading, the healer had a type of guitar tuner that reads vocal chords and analyzes chakra strengths. At the time i had no orange or yellow but my third eye purple went off the top of the scale. My visualisation, imaginal spectrum is up there, which might answer why I can never sense Amethyst; its already where I operate from. It might also answer why I spend so much time writing creative fiction and watching scenes in my minds eye, and tuning into other people (see A is for Autism). Indigo child me. Bloodstone. Makes me feel like me. Softens the harsh sharp edges, puts me on a cool groove, so that even the inky dark shadows between rainbow colours are not scary and the world becomes a cartoon I can handle. Helps me to focus on actually making the music and music that sounds cool, so I know what I'm doing when I'm doing it. Moldavite. The first time I was given a piece to hold, I felt that I was engulfed by an ocean, I sat at the bottom of it, my ears popped and then... I expanded and was the full extent of that ocean around me. Now I use its spectrum associated with Life, plants, forest jungle wild nature, green growing viriditas, plugging myself into that life force as a Source, Gaia, the glassy tears of mother Earth is healing and of the Heart. Moldovite is from a meteor that heat fused when it entered Earths atmosphere. It reminds me of moss in texture. Similar in ways to the gemstone formed where lightning hits sand, similar to the type of glass found beneath all of the world great deserts, which we have only otherwise encountered at nuclear test sites. Yesterday I was given a Vogel wand because I am ready for it and because myself and many people I know need it at this time of Clearing dark energies that are bubbling to the surface. Vogel is described in the Crystal Bible book as having a female base and a male apex, which makes it a transmuting conduit. I wear it on my head beneath my hat and it feels very similar to Herkimer in its brightness and the purifying effect it is having on me, my energy field. It is also said to drive out possessing spirits. It is cut to shape, with its facets amplifying the laser focus. THANK YOU to Anthony who first put a crystal wand into my hand and got me interested in their numerous healing qualities. THANK YOU to the girls at Crystals shop in Zooport south Wales who are priestesses of the temple of Light, a crystal cave, who taught me and showed me so much about using crystals that I still haven't assimilated it all yet nor reached up to their level in some aspects of crystal evolution. For showing me what is possible and introducing me to crystal evolution. The sensory abilities I have got from years of studying crystals, and the information, I should be teaching. This blog probably hasn't got space for it, a book would be better, give me room to explain it all. I will add a link here when I have written up all the data. How crystals and chakras are taught in the west is the very very basics. Please research into Herschel and radio spectroscopy for a more in depth understanding, of how we are harmonic to the Stars, of how tone is frequency measured as Hz and Khz as are brainwaves, and how time is not one linear continuity but is tonal, time is frequency. Deja vu is when two timestreams merge. Also research into Dr Emoto who has scientifically proven that water has memory. Our bodies are mostly water, therefore we are water filtration systems, first and foremost. We are designed to be the conscious awareness of water, made mobile to interact with the muiltiverse we exist as part of. Our bodies are separate but our waters are one; Fremen know how much the water belongs to the tribe. Water seeks balance. Water performs as crystals perform because our bio-electric nervous system amplifies through it. Our chakra tones describe our crystal helix, our waveform of light that shoots up out of the top of out head like with a quartz shard, our auric glow that surrounds us like a gemstone. We are elixir; our mind and emotion, our instinct, our telempathy is what sets the helix. We call it energy configuration. Here's a nice link for starting to use crystals: http://www.eso-garden.com/index.php?/weblog/learn_to_dance_with_crystals/ I need to mention Crystal Computers. Not the quartz powered digital things Microsoft are building, but a collection of different gemstones which clickety-clack together in sync as they emit their light pulse in rhythm at a harmonized clockwork, depending on what sort of crystals you have in your computer. Underground crystal geodes from where we dig up a lot of the crystals from do this naturally. Visualizing white-light links between the circuit grid psychologically bonds them, and crystals most certainly respond to human imagination as equally as humans are affected by crystals. Our energy fields are very similar to crystals, complicated arrays of the chakra circuit with kundalini energy flowing through us. Use of Hematite on the corners is said to amplify the effect of the crystals nearby while Apatite is said to 'grid' the crystals, rather than have them blend together. Experimentation is the key. Every crystal type pulses to a different mathematical tempo. I am writing about this here because it leads nicely onto the next blog topic.
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