R is for Ru "I have come across the word namaste
(I think that's how its spelled) can anyone please enlighten me and explain what it means. Thanks." Jenniifer Moser My yoga instructor defines 'namaste' as; "the Light in/of me, greets the Light in/of you" I am making assumptions here based on phonemic research into root phrases: assuming this comes from Sanskrit, which means 'the sand script' and is academically recognized as 'the earliest'; certainly some of this is involved in many languages including Egyptology. Na and Ma appertain in broad terms (in our context here) to 'you' and 'me' ; Na meaning 'outer' Ma meaning 'inner'. (There are other specific contexts for these phrases). Ste therefore means 'the Light' or 'God' etc. Use the word Star. The specific context invoked is defined by the vowel used. -ah is the primary meaning, -eh is the resonant meaning. This is seen very concisely with the words Ra and Re Ra, the sun god Re, the rays from the core I was taught the proper order of vowels to be A, E, I, O, U, however in earlier dialects there are different vowels to the way we pronounce them eg; '!' (glottal stop) is the correct pronunciation of the word 'Ankh'. So, there are at least 5 layers of halo around the core. Now to decode: Ra Sta Fa Ra The word Rastafari uses these pure components. The Fa is the same as in the word Pharaoh, which properly translated means not King but Far-Seer or Far-Speaker. Sight and Speech are linked intimately in Egyptology because; "We See as we Sey" Egyptian proverb The word Roah is derived from Ru which means both 'mouth' and 'that which issues forth' it therefore is 'speech' - although Ru itself means mouth on your face as well as female genitalia, so its meanings are versatile, and the associations between all of its meanings, are the hidden meaning for what it is talking about. The exact definitions are kept vague because we require versatility that we can use these concepts multi-functionally, as they are intended. The context of the day varies.
R is for Rites There are three sorts of Rites, and ideally a format can be found that combines them into one sort of Rite.
These are; Rites of Passage, for humans at various life stages, useful for creating balanced communities. Ritual magickal acts intended to create a specific result. Life Rights, which we have in the form of Human Rights. For example; One of the inalienable rights of sovereign citizens is not to be bound by contract. At this time of history, consumerism which equates to debt slavery to a corrupt thing called interest & inflation based money, has lost its way. The human world is suffering, the natural world is suffering. We know that Mother nature can wipe us out with a plague within 48 hours, and if she does so, the survivors will be the remote indigenous peoples who are not yet using money anyway, whose lifestyles are pure and in harmony with nature, whatever their ecology. Therefore, the role of Witch or Shaman as tribal medicine healer, means that it is our role to make amends of this mess. The struggle to liberate ourselves from money and consumerism on the one hand, the need and ability to embrace permaculture in our own lifestyles, in our own lifetime on the other hand; can be summarized in that we need to become totally self reliant for growing our own food. These issues are the two sides of the same coin, be it a pentacle if you prefer the tarot definition. Our role as medicine healers, and the intention of the Archaic Revival; to return our tribes, our communities, humanity wholesale, to a better more organic way of being, involves our pioneering methods to re-introduce into society, the valuable Rites of Passage. Primitive societies maintain these customs, which at first seem strange to many tv zomba western consumers. We have to do it ourselves because it is within our awareness, it is our role as community keepers, it is our responsibility to do what we can to redress the imbalance. Experiencing Rites of Passage is vital to every one of us. It is a human tradition and a deep part of our species psyche. We have lost this in capitalism. The art/craft of making an artifact such as a clay vessel or effigy; of planting a food garden; is one part of the essential plan. Inter-tribal and age-specific fire-dancing, spirit-drumming, mask-performance as we take on symbolic roles from the community myths; storytelling! We have inherited many myths from our ancestors, but we have lost the deeper understanding of their meaning., so that their repetition is largely pointless. Time Now then is to re-learn the skill of mythologizing the local heroes and their antics. What is desirable, mature, responsible behavior? What is anti-social, to be scorned? What is the difference between the bad ones being outcast and the teenage ones traveling beyond the tribe zone? It is the human element, the human touch, one on one and one on group, that we need to hold communities together. Shared experiences resulting in lasting symbols that we can all feel pride in. The bonding of Communities and the bonding of Family, the empowering of Self. Masks made of locally found elements, made by groups of all ages and hung in the tribe huts for all to see, and share in their wearing at the Masquerade ceremony. My Personal Rituals I do not actively work rituals in the sense of witchcraft spells, using elements such as oils and candles. I use these constantly as a natural part of my daily life! Assigning concepts to them to function as energy-threads.These surround me in my environment. The web of connections is my magickal-mind, (is less of a mindset than a mindflux) there is probably a specific word for this, an overlay superimposed upon material world that links it at fundamental particle level to steer the elements thus achieve the mystical results I want. Of course, it is quite natural that the Hive-mind and Jungian archetypes are a part of this. It makes sense to me to empower my belief structure by flowing with the generic belief regarding specific items, and so I have always tried to remain traditional in my interpretation of what works with what object. Inherent energies and the nature of a thing. Zap Mama, Gbo Mata (station) GBO GBA NSO MATANE N’GBO n’GBO ha GBO GBA NSO MATANE He he I play my station At the start of the game I never give my name I grant myself These very special powers The virtual powders Now I’m surfing I’m jumping I’m crawling And I’m … As I progress through the games I get my virtual powers The virtual powers Powders Now I’m surfing I’m jumping I’m flying R is for Roleplaying Not in the Meta-theatrical, 'all the world's a stage' sense, I refer here to the geeky art of sitting around a table with your mates rolling dice pretending in your imagination to be, the Warrior Tharg, the Wizard Galavantrix, the Superhero MagiMan, and similar. Actually it's not ever quite that cheesy in practice.
It seemed that computer game consoles had killed 'tabletop roleplaying games' until the movie and videogame industry began plundering them for inspirational ideas. They haven't even scratched the surface. Once, and for thousands and thousands of years, before we even had such a thing s books and literacy, the biggest entertainment and education that most people got, was from Storytelling. In the early 1990s a company called White Wolf founded by Mark Rein-Hagen rekindled the roleplaying industry by their innovative pentacle of Storytelling games of personal horror. No longer were the characters heroic and battling monsters; now, the characters are the monsters; dealing with introvertial and controvertial issues, coming to terms with the power of the beast lurking within, in tandem with their reaching puberty and discovering sexuality and psychology, tangled complex emotions and authority. The types drawn to these games largely imaginative, indigo children who felt safer indoors, not out on the sports field dealing with machismo. A faux-machismo from watching the dice roll a 6 which meant Tharg succeeds in whopping off the geriatric jabbawocky's head, has a more intellectual bias. Roleplaying with dice taught me maths, the maths I use in life as opposed to the abstract maths I do for pleasure, ahem I mean that nobody except rocket scientists gives a crap about. Running versions of scenario's taught me that the stories we make reflect our inner issues that we are dealing with, personifying them as characters and situations. Roleplaying taught me to use the imagination. And as I am fond of quoting; "Imagination is not imaginary." (Matthers, OGD) Roleplaying develops these and many more abilities. Storytelling is amongst our oldest traditions, through which we learn much. Roleplaying as well as being a lot of fun, is innate in human beings, those of us with imagination. Look at the aforementioned entertainment industries; movies and videogames rely upon somebody somewhere having thought up a storyline in the first place. In the last few years, I have heard the expression 'thinking outside of the box' as a preferred way of problem solving, for example it has introduced into businesses for developing strategies on strategic development courses the staff are periodically sent on. The often criticized nerdy people who make and play roleplaying games smile at this. A lot. What I discovered by reading the core rulebooks of as many RPGs as I could lay my hands on, is the ones that contained magickal systems, very often based them upon real magickal systems, and therefore much of the content is workable in life. Roleplaying games have certainly affected my world-view and my attitude toward magickal practise. It was my education, a bookish child living in isolation with no social life right up until adulthood, avoiding the jocks and spending every possible moment with a tight crew of fellow geeks role-playing in school. There are 3 main sorts of RPG; Fantasy, Sci-fi and Horror. In the reallygood games these genres intermingle. In the last few years Manga and Naruto has swamped the industry for the next generation. Twilight vampire chronicles from tv from books has swamped the online gothic horror roleplaying world. This is mostly pre-teens and young teens before they discover independence, money, music, sex and drugs. The adult roleplaying industry usually has one finger in the sex industry so far as most people are concerned. As a gamesmaster and a storytelling roleplay game designer, finding adults (over 18) who accept sexuality yet prefer to play storylines based on the original themes and adventures, remembering the teenager-within, facing those sorcerously summoned tentacled demonic creatures mutating out of the bodies of people we know in the ruined stone of ancient temples, editing and comparing statistics on character sheets because the dice have told us how this part of the story should progress... using the internet for text based adventure games with other people. Where are those other people? There are hundreds of such roleplay sites, tens of adult ones, and most of them were started a few years ago as fan projects and then abandoned, other than a few die-hard cliques who have done-it-to-death so many times over that although being the living experts in that particular game universe and rules system, they aren't running public games as drop-in centers because the drop-out rate of players is so high. People don't have the dedication, they are not willing to risk putting the time in. The ones that do run campaigns from start to end, generally tend to have abusive gamesmasters who treat players like supermarket commodities and it puts them off. It's a sad state of affairs. check this out: dice roller |
R is for: