Since 2012 I have been asked to give academic lectures in Virtual Reality about what became my specialist area of expertise and justifies the foundation of all of my research into the study of Magick: PRIMITIVISM. Within the Art Academy it is recognized and valued to be a specific sub-jecture which I have gone far, far beyond with my own practical explorations of it.
The core of Primitivism is that the Artist is Shaman; and thus continually interacts with the Creative Source Energies. How this works and how we may work them to our own advantage, beyond use of paint s mere pictorial re-presentation, enters us into the Magickal Arts. Academic art history is a developing record of motions and manifestations within this, which does take professional study and access to the specific bodies of arts to appreciate, contemplate, understand and integrate. There are many threads of a story which is taking thousands of years to tell. Thanks to modern technologies we can now do this from our own home, however correlating it into a sufficient body of knowledge traditionally takes a college course, ability to travel, a study of history through art as well as development of society and creative techniques. Academically requires 2 years pre-college level, 2 years college level, 3 years university Baccalaureate degree level (the word associates with Bacchus the Greek God also known as Dionysis) and 2 years Masters degree level. What I do is mixed between all of that and hands-on, multi-dimensional, mind-expansive voodoo in its most primal form. But it all has to begin somewhere. Imposing my own sense of order upon 'primitivism' seems to me to be a futile endeavor, however one that I must nevertheless engage myself with so as to be able to express it in useful terms; minimal yet retaining sufficient information so as to transmit the essentials for practical use to an audience. This dilemma has held me back from finishing that which I agree with my teacher, a great Artist. "Nothing is ever finished." Pete Robinson It begins, Academically, with Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp was inspired by examining Objet d'Art which had been brought back from Africa by 19th century 'explorers'. We had nothing like them in European culture and so they were identified (incorrectly) as being ornamental. They were actually made as a method of communicating with the Spirit world, as tools. As a result of questioning what these thigns were for, Duchamp re-evaluated his own environment and decided that we take for granted that a thing is what we are told it is. Once we have a label for a thing, we ignore what it actually is and no longer see the reality of it. By this, he came to the decision that the majority of Westerners exist in a permanent state of delusion in our interaction with our physical world and probably also in our human relationships with each other. Duchamp hanged a urinal from the men's toilets on a gallery wall. He painted a pipe, the sort my grandfather smoked, and on the painting he wrote the words 'c'est ne pas une pipe' which to my very basic knowledge of French language is not the correct way to write 'this is not a pipe'. The point being that it is a symbol for a pipe, you cannot actually use the paining to smoke tobacco with. Duchamp was very manly, no doubt inspired by the Age of Reasons integration of what Rousseau who was also inspired by the reinvented Africa of the Western explorers, described as 'The Noble Savage'. At this time I asked the question: For what purposes were these African objects originally used? How did one use them? A sincere and belief in and a practical working relationship with the Spirit World are quite evidently the missing essential component from Western approach to how we go about using our artistic and creative abilities. Could painting, sculpting, drawing, printing, crafting, clothes-making, poetry, singing, writing, and so forth - be used as portals by which to access... ... there is a thing we call Nature and there is a thing we call super-nature, and there is a line which we draw between them. On one side of this line is the 'normal' and mundane world of commercial-capitalism (or is that capitalist-commercialism?) and on the other side of that line is, mysterious, spiritualism, all that which we are told by the schooling system, pharma-psychological model, 20th century scientific model, is a load of nonsense and not actually real at all. It was and still is very real to every culture on earth which was not conquered by Christianity, Science and Capitalism. It still remains very real to most of the underground groups even within the nations who were. At the end of the second year of my BA (hons) degree course, i made a big decision. I stepped over that line. Previously I had dabbled in it, one foot in either world. I was inquisitive but I still required what the authoritarians (those with no real authority but bullying and position in the masonic social structure) called 'grounding in reality'. Stepping over that line which Humans impose upon our external and internal worlds alike, but which no other species see's or need's to, was very strongly connected with returning to a balance with 'the natural world'. It was actually two lines very closely interlinked. This can best be explained by the following diagram of the Aborginal Australian world view. It is the ideal place for us to begin the journey for many reasons. What the Authoritarians were describing as 'grounded in reality' actually to my understanding meant 'detachment from the world of nature' and 'detachment from the world of supernature'. The two things went hand in hand. I agree wholly with Duchamp that most Westerners are indeed walking around as zombi's in a catatonic state, not interacting with the really real reality around them but existing Primitivism, then; is the attempt if not the success, to return to a more natural, immediate, real experience and relation with the world of our surroundings. I studied the Yaqui sorcerer Don Carlos Casteneda as a part of my education into Shamanism. I began to assimilate that there is a lot going on in the world which westerners deny is real, largely because the chemicals in our diets shrivels up the parts of our brains, and our cultural indoctrination prejudices against any knowledge base, which orientates us toward experiencing that which primal shamen know, as a continuity, as a factor of life, to be involvement with the Spirit World. During my twenties I became clair-audient. TO BE CONTINUED...
PENTACLE aka PENTAGRAM "Detailed Pentacle adorned with Celtic Knotwork and Animal Spirits showing the elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire with the Goddess as the top point representing Spirit and the Horned God in the center representing the male aspect of nature. The pentacle is a symbol of a pentagram encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit. The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water. All these things contribute to life and are a part of each of us. The pentacle has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentacle has five spiked wards and a defensive, protective pentagon at the center." Celtic Jackalope Many different groups use this symbol for different purposes. I advocate that the pentacle is the Sign For Mankind, our form being based on 5 with 5 digits on each, if the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and mind are considered as digits. It is a crude and basic but practical and versatile system. Awareness and use of the Higher Senses and Lower Chakras is what takes us up above Animal Man into Spiritual Man. For this, a six-pointed star is more appropriate. Pentacle then is for Earthing and Manifesting wheras Sexagram is for Aspiring and Ascending.
P is for Protection ![]() The light is the grid structure for the manifestation of reality. Magic users change reality by altering the helix. The light helix is the dominant pattern. We call this the Matrix. Scryers empathy the future by studying the matrix, to determine what will happen; however, the Observer affects the Observed and so they only see that which they are biased and create into being. Those who turn against the light are those who seek freedom from other peoples schemes. They take on responsibility for themselves by facing up to their own Shadow. The entire subject of ‘going against god’ can be seen in these more enlightened terms. This is the concept called Sarfa. Unbiased from prejudice. We are NOT slaves and therefore, seeking to avoid the dogma of being caught up in the manifestation of somebody elses pattern, we necessarily require to either become invisible to them by vibrating higher than they can affect, or else by constantly breaking the manifestations provided by them. One such entity in existence causes mayhem for power-gamers. Multiple such individuals as mainstream, already exist. This is why we worship the Chaos. Chaos is Change. Change is inevitable and change is essential for Evolution, progress. We worship Chaos because it is Truth and because we are not slaves. Much of what we experience as ‘thoughts’ which we then act upon, are constructed of programmed light. Thoughts are waveforms of energy (described as light) and belief is a context-grid of light, a helix. This is how programming of people by ESP functions. I repeat; We are not slaves. This is intended to be a freedom of choice based reality. Sadly there are abusers who use other people as tools. We do not wish to be zomba. This is why we teach to disassociate from Mind. Strive constantly to question every thought or belief that you ‘hear’ with your mind. 99% of them do not originate from within your own soul. Mind is a radio. Mind is an arena. We all plug into Mind through a filtered lense. Zomba see only the lense. Zomba believe Mind to be self and allow it to control their actions and beliefs. Dissassociate from mind; be Free. Mantra program’s the Self for better or for worse, knowing or unknowing. When mantra program’s others, it takes away their free will and is an abuse of their right to freedom. By consequence or by direct intent, much magickal ritual works to affect the light grid and therefore program’s people’s thoughts to a certain belief system that they then act upon. “I choose not to let it affect me.” P is for Plastic ![]() Plastic is mostly made as a bi-product of the oil industry. Increasingly we recycle used plastic. Most of it ends up in a land refill site. We can now also make plastic out of organic materials, plants. It doesn't last as long as the oil based stuff. We usually associate Rainbows with Light, it being the defracted colour spectrum we get when using a prism or raindrops or chemtrail grains in the air. Oil is black once refined, and the light sheens from it in oily rainbow. So the rainbow feathers of the black serpent of the underdark are equally as real as the kundalini bridge seen wherever mother nature reminds us of the invisible world, filtering white Sun through white Rain; the blue and the gold. Plastic is really useful stuff. Recently I have been playing with Orgonite. I don't know for sure if Resin is technically a plastic, I assume that it is another chemical derivative of the oil industry. Orgonite feels lush, it is cleansing through the whole of the body and lightbody. It feels gushy and sensual, it is excited to be flowing and abruptly it sets hard. It does both these states at the same time. I study with crystals which is a process of attunement, and Orgonite is semi-crystal; the resin component is set dry to the same helix as the crystal that is within it. I have seeen videos made by people of Orgonite being placed in a tub of water in the freezer; the ice also freezes to the same helix as the orgonite. It amplifies the crystals energy. Orgonite is the very basic crystaline technology that we have begun playing with yet. I have an idea to involve copper wire coils within it that can be electrified to amplify the effect further still, in much the same way that Tesla was able to increase the power of a metal radio aerial by electrifying it, so the air around it became a part of the receiver/transmitter. The width of the wire, coils and amps of electricity must all correspond to the same harmonic number, one which relates to the magnetic spectrum inherent in copper. Our land refill sites are dead zones. Nothing can grow in them because they contain plastic, metal, glass, and more dangerous fibers. Trash. Once decaying, plastic reverts to the toxic crude oil brown state. We are drawing up oil from beneath mother earths skin; which I seriously believe she intended for us to do all along, she did not want poison oil fields deep down beneath her skin so she set us to task, to filter it back into the soil, which is why we have built so many oil filters to break it down into its gaseous elements, we call these things cars. Ultimately it is for the best because the chance of a volcanic eruption blasting up through an oil field, plunging the skies into a cataclysmic vision of hell, fire and darkness. I'm certain this has happened in the past; there is a record in Brewer's Phrase & Fable that the skies of Europe went black for four years during the 15th century; a medieval cataclysm during and probably heralding the Dark Ages (plural; I often wonder why this is), changing the culture, initiating widespread travel. All the plants died so people began migrating searching for food. It shook up the previously stable homesteader culture, changing things for ever. The nature of the element oil revealed as connected with travel and transition. My wonder is that given oil floats on top of water, how did the stuff get down there beneath the rock in the first place? We are told that oil is made from ancient forests. That would require the rock of the worlds surface layers to have formed on top of ancient rainforests, which involves volcanic eruptions of ash to be compressed into stone, and magma to set hard into stone, containing the rainforests beneath them in a cavity, without crushing them. Given the locations of the oil fields and the likelihood that the 'Swelling Earth' postulation is accurate based on all evidence, it seems more likely that the crude oil is created by some other means, perhaps from gas bubbles from the molten core. It is a mystery. And so it is that we are creating, not so deep beneath earths skin, dead sites; just as we are covering the surface with dead concrete of the urban wilderness. Life cannot thrive in a wilderness environment. And we most of us live in the middle of concrete jungles, we live within spike electric cages, in square stone cells. It has been proven time and again that for health, we need to live outdoors and in round dwellings, close to and with an immediate relationship with nature. We really are doing ourselves in. Recently I have been reading reports that the polymers entering the food chain - they claim every grain of sand on the ocean floors is now encased in a thin layer of plastic - that it having the effect of changing the age girls reach puberty, from approx 15 to approx 10. Physically able to conceive at ten when the age of consent is in the uk 16 and most women are not mentally and emotionally ready to bare offspring until in their twenties. The widening gulf between nature's wild, experimental nature and human social laws governing and pruning our own human nature, are highlighted here. If it is pollution that can cause children to physically come of age at a younger age, could it also be pollution that is causing psychological abhorations? And if so, who is to judge what is to be abhored and what is organic progress? Strange ethical issues that raise a lot of anger in a lot of people; pollution causing people who themselves use plastic on a hourly basis. We have to trust Mother Nature. She knows what she is doing. Mother Nature created humans to act as her tools. To extract and filter the oil, giving us an industry and a mode of transport as we convert it to gaseous form in a million tiny converters called 'cars', is a part of Her Great Scheme. We are intended to be using petrol based polymers, we are intended to finish up all the worlds oil supplies, before converting wholly over to hydrogen engines and cleaner technologies. A thousand years from now there will be little left to show from the Oil Age other than in a few museums. What we will have by then is plant-based polymers,we are already producing the early version of that technology. I am reminded of the Mayans who made rope-bridges from vine and encased them in gum from gum tree's to make them stronger. It all rotted away eventually after they stopped doing it (knowledge lost due to cultural genocide from invaders) but we do remember they made balls, helmets to protect babies heads Olmec stone carvings) and dipped their feet in the gum so they could tend their swamp crops. So we should enjoy being a part of Natures transition, the dirty era of extracting nasty, to make a safer world for future generations. They won't tell you this in reclaim re-use recycle lessons about the devastating effect of pollution. There is a vast plastic conglomeration floating in the middle of the Pacific ocean. I haven't figured out what it is for yet, in an optimistic way, other than perhaps covering with sheets of soil and making an artificial land mass? |
P is for: Pentacle Protection Plastic Primitivism Categories