P is for Protection ![]() The light is the grid structure for the manifestation of reality. Magic users change reality by altering the helix. The light helix is the dominant pattern. We call this the Matrix. Scryers empathy the future by studying the matrix, to determine what will happen; however, the Observer affects the Observed and so they only see that which they are biased and create into being. Those who turn against the light are those who seek freedom from other peoples schemes. They take on responsibility for themselves by facing up to their own Shadow. The entire subject of ‘going against god’ can be seen in these more enlightened terms. This is the concept called Sarfa. Unbiased from prejudice. We are NOT slaves and therefore, seeking to avoid the dogma of being caught up in the manifestation of somebody elses pattern, we necessarily require to either become invisible to them by vibrating higher than they can affect, or else by constantly breaking the manifestations provided by them. One such entity in existence causes mayhem for power-gamers. Multiple such individuals as mainstream, already exist. This is why we worship the Chaos. Chaos is Change. Change is inevitable and change is essential for Evolution, progress. We worship Chaos because it is Truth and because we are not slaves. Much of what we experience as ‘thoughts’ which we then act upon, are constructed of programmed light. Thoughts are waveforms of energy (described as light) and belief is a context-grid of light, a helix. This is how programming of people by ESP functions. I repeat; We are not slaves. This is intended to be a freedom of choice based reality. Sadly there are abusers who use other people as tools. We do not wish to be zomba. This is why we teach to disassociate from Mind. Strive constantly to question every thought or belief that you ‘hear’ with your mind. 99% of them do not originate from within your own soul. Mind is a radio. Mind is an arena. We all plug into Mind through a filtered lense. Zomba see only the lense. Zomba believe Mind to be self and allow it to control their actions and beliefs. Dissassociate from mind; be Free. Mantra program’s the Self for better or for worse, knowing or unknowing. When mantra program’s others, it takes away their free will and is an abuse of their right to freedom. By consequence or by direct intent, much magickal ritual works to affect the light grid and therefore program’s people’s thoughts to a certain belief system that they then act upon. “I choose not to let it affect me.”
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P is for: Pentacle Protection Plastic Primitivism Categories