![]() B is for Bondage For once I am not talking about BDSM culture leathers pvc whips and chains, and lewd often grotesque perverse sexual activities. Although I feel that I should take this opportunity to emphasize that the correct and proper, original use of the word Fetish is to describe an artifact used as an intermediary to contact the Spirit world; I believe it was Dr Sigmund Freud who popularized its use to mean a sexual perversion. This leads us nicely onto HR Gigers wonderful artwork from his guidebook Necronomicon, describing sexualised human bodies and condoms as tools for contacting the spirit world.
![]() "Any group moves only as fast as its slowest moving member" military teaching. Our job as shamanic members of society, those who deal with the mysteries, magick and the otherworlds, is to ensure that society functions in that; A it perpetuates (it keeps going, to the seventh generation as the indigenous Mayan peoples of the Americas teach us) and that; B ultimately, it ascends, so that things are better for the next generations than they were for us; so that by our work here, we improve things. There is a belief in a thing called kamma that confuses many people, which I will talk of on another blog. It is for these reasons that the shaman must target the most base elements of society, the haters, the hurters, the abusers, the depressed and depressive, the nasty, the cruel, the sexually grotesque, the envious, the self servers, all these conditions of affliction that we call Reptilian; and primarily protect ourselves and our loved ones from them, and also to heal them by setting them on their right track, where it becomes necessary for us to do so. This can be a harsh lesson for all involved so it is prudent to question your ability before mixing karma with the debased. I am taking the assumption here that the Witch is a Healer of a community, even the solitary witch is interested in the healing arts, typically for self-healing after abuse. The greatest healers are those wounded who have healed themselves; they know the patterns. All of the above is explored in human relationships, especially those which are for the most part hidden behind closed doors in these dead stone square-box electric-cage cells of the prison environment our physical landscape has become ever since we abandoned tribal huts and community. The abuses of modern society and the damage inflicted upon children and adults alike, are many and horrific. Until we return to an open society, this will be the way. On this way, the shaman's role is as healer. I put this upon you all who read these words. ![]() "Why does he/she not just leave?" "Is that really what is happening or is he/she lying for attention/to cover him/herself?" Trust and Suspicion, the major factors we deal with in most relationships, until we find successful ways to overcome it. The advice is to actually Love and to be liberal, to let go of control of a partner. Lack of trust in somebody you want to keep near you, is itself a form of abuse. What we have now is Emo culture come of age. For many it is a rights of passage, in a society that no longer has initiatory rights of passage and stage-of-life ceremonies that once were used to empower individuals toward harmonious community based feeling. Emo culture is a set channel pathworking for issues of love and hate, self and others. Typified as a fashion style, a musical style of depressive rage rock genre, sex and cutting. Emo is abbreviation of Emotional. Its a teen culture essentially and has been consumer marketed as a polarity to Goth although it draws many inspirations from it. ![]() Energy, Control & Individuality We all carry a lot of levels around in us. We are not single-dimensional entities. Just as my name is Commonly Known As Joy, but a different name appears on a birth certificate once assigned to my body illegally and without my consent, and my stage name is Snakeappletree; there are three versions of personalities that are collectively regarded to be 'me' to varying degrees. Is that schizophrenic? I argue that it is not, because; reality is multi-dimensional and perception filters reality. As an explorer, as a spiritually aware spirit, I rationalised that it makes sense to remove the filters and to perceive as widely and largely as possible. I became aware that multiple levels of, versions of, reality co-exist and overlap. In human society there are people who we call Reptilians. I will write more fully about them in the R is for blog. One major aspect of their personality is that they psychotically, obsessive compulsion disorder, have the need to CONTROL everything and everyone around them. They will bully, lie and manipulate so as to maintain their illusionary control. Of course, as soon as fate plays a hand, or any higher-level intercession into the reality they generate, their control falls apart. The need to control is based upon Fear. Reptilians are attracted to hierarchy systems because they offer a power base to exploit the underlings. When faced with the reality that reality is a jungle beyond any collective comprehension, and that communities only function successfully when they are circle-based, as generations of experience has proven to us, and allow every individual equal respect to go off and live their own path, without being held in slavery; the reptilians generally descend into base emotions of rage and anger, or else they go cold and emotionless like robots. The creation of organic robot slaves to serve the reptilian agenda is a big problem facing all of us all over the world at this time. We all carry a lot of levels around in us. When the girl started telling me who I am, what I had meant by what I had said, and what she thought of this, without pausing for breath to reconsider that she was manipulating everything I said to fulfill her own agenda; I hanged up the phone. I am not your energy donor. Additional: I shared a lucid shamanic experience with someone amazing tonight and I feel that it should be mentioned here although it deserves a blog entry of its own. Reference forthcoming D is for Dragon & O is for One blog entries to give me time to assimilate it. Talking with her, was highlighted the metaphor that every one of us is a Half, requiring to be a Whole. In energy terms, we either vampire other people for the energy to make us a Whole or else we get it from nature, food and time out to balance ourselves; our vampire strategies are the games People Play. Family unites are rife with abuses. In successful relationship terms where personal energy is acquired from safe sources and not each other, being open and honest with yourself and everyone else makes it easier to find and identify your 'other half' which is a part of the process of Dharma, the natural order. Additional: My comment reply button is not working so I will add this here. Freud is misunderstood. It is very popular to dislike his theory and call him a pervert. All of the people who do so are biased because they fall subject to exactly what he is talking about, with relation sexual repression. I discovered that an understanding of a persons attitude toward their own sexuality is highly revealing, about their nature. In the UK we are post-catholic memetic indoctrination and the methods of repression involving sexual control, making people feel humiliated and embarrassed about the subject, are responsible for a lot of what Freud is talking about. I re-read the basics of the psychological model he proposes, and to be quite frank, he is accurate. There is a lot more to psychology and to sexuality than Freud dealt with, of course. His expertise in the area he chose to study is valid. I surprised myself with this conclusion because I am a lifelong student of Karl Jung, whose work is the lost teachings of western shamanism made suitable for academia. ![]() B is for Bis (notes) "Nothing is ever finished" Pete Robinson, sculptor "The Asmat believe that there is a close relationship between humans and trees, and recognize wood as the source of life." http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/asma/hd_asma.htm "Wood for the living, Stone for the dead." Celtic proverb The sacrament of RaStaFaRi; CaNaBis, the Egyptian Jackal-headed deity AnuBis, the concept of Abyss (crossed by Chi-Ru-Ne); all of these words contain the phoneme Bis for a specific reason; that they all relate to it. The issue is that of the Transmigration of the Soul, through the void between worlds or rather bodily incarnations. Following a busy week, I have not had time to write more about his subject, which is most likely for a reason that I am not yet expert enough in it, from lack of clarifying experience, although I have had many such experiences. So instead I will make this link here, to a related topic and background information. http://www.webjam.com/snakeappletree/death
1/19/2012 06:40:04 am
Oh this so hit home today ! I just was talking to a friend about the "dry drunk " I have just been cutting ties with the last dry drunk in my life . often not even realizing I had them in my life . I do find that those of us who are called to work in a smanistic way others often develope an envy . instea of looking to what their own gifts are they wish to somehow aquire what we have . it is draining and exhausting because they often come in the guoise of those seeking help . however the difference between a leech and a good student is a grateful heart .don't we always give thanks and when possible credit to our elders who have taught and given so much for us . the toxic reptile won't ! they will claim the gift of another as their own , take credit even and at the root is attention seeking and greed . the base is really insecurity . often those people have a huge following too focusing on the many rather than the few .
1/20/2012 10:17:12 pm
Leave it to Freud to make a perfectly lovely word dirty.
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