![]() 'the Astral Project' pen & ink sketch by Joy Russell D is for Drawing As one draws water from a well, so one draws energy from the imagination, when putting pen to paper. Bringing forth life from the potential, potency-al, the creative source. Drawing is an art form I was taught since my very early childhood, when my father placed a pencil in my hand before my mother placed a spoon in my hand. Making analogy between drawing pictures and taking water from a spring are the intention of this blog. It also makes sense to write about the act of drawing power from a place. I read in Milo Rigaud's book Secrets of Voodoo that Vodu means literally "Introspection into the Unknown" which is the same as the Saxon word Wy, from where we derive the words Witch and Wycca. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZZhbTMqyIuYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Secrets+of+voodoo++By+Milo+Rigaud&hl=en&sa=X&ei=msImT7XjBISp0QXwz7TPCg&ved=0CD4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Secrets%20of%20voodoo%20%20By%20Milo%20Rigaud&f=false Ritual of Breathing the Sun; the Sorcerers Eye We breathe with our lungs but also with our senses. Attunement is the word used for the process of plugging into the animistic energy of a location or an item. When the Sun is neither below the horizon nor above it, this is the Bridge between worlds, we call the Sorcerers Eye. Inhaling this power with our aura's, with our breath, fills us with a spectrum of energy that is unique, magickally empowering. This process may be called Drawing of Powa. The Act of Art Channeling raw creative energy and binding it into representational form. Prana-bindu of the external environment. A picture tells a thousand words.We plug dreamers into visionary worlds and these worlds grow. Reality manifests in accordance with Belief and so, the more we delve into the Imaginal, the more amazing our physical experienced reality becomes. This is to bring forth the magickal universe. The laws of physics are malleable, because reality conforms to will/desire. Enhancement of reality by drawing vision from imagination is as important an output for the talented artist as is representational art for recording history, for remembering our roots. D is for Drawing goes by way of introduction into the other themes continued throughout this blog. ![]() D is for Dancing Dancing today to Faun’s Satyr, pagan folk acoustic trance music to make my boy laugh and to loosen my spine up after not really using it for much apart from slouching over a laptop for the last few years since I last went properly dancing. Free Parties and traveler raves in the forests and fields of Wales. Techno and Drum&Bass sets in Bristol. Dance is sacred and Dance is Life. I learned the death dance when I was young, studied from a book of Druidry. Dressed as a Crow my first consciously sought after spirit ally, Watchmen guardians of the way between worlds, I was young then and the spirits kindly didn’t intercede directly into dialogue with me until a decade later. They prodded and poked me to test my limits before deciding to take me, and take it was. I danced the snake dance and lapped up every lesson from the Lizard King himself, James Morrisson the poet, the shaman, more real and living than many since. “When the Doors of Perception are cleansed, we will see the world as it is; Infinite” Aldous Huxley I was terrified to dance and I would sit on the outskirts of the club, bemused by the self-confidence of the slinky men and women moving like shimmers, flames of their soul writhing brightly in the semi-darkness of steamy clubs. Some day, some day I will break free and Be There, I felt stirring from subconscious knowing, awakening. ![]() The Axiom Art Center, Cheltenham, 1997, Fusion nights. Before the city council shut it down because of what it represented; hippy underground unity and the message of Love, community, creativity. I dropped my first mdma pill there, a Mitsubishi, and nervously jigged somewhere near the back, mostly from peer pressure and interest. Scientists have recently proven that E cures cancer. Time and again I faced the psychological wall that this drug shows us, where my ego based self pops up through the surface tension of its own reflection on the mirrored inside of the water I had been immersed in. So many voices and emotions all around from the living and dead, the extra-alive free-eyed elves in beautiful fluro-rags, and the closer I got to that edge, the louder and more excited the voices grew, flowing up through me, rising, rising in waves and riding through levels, finding my own space. And the peak, the penetration, the breaking through point, where mind Opens wide and so do the rest of the revelers, the ravers; and our minds are all one because the hive-mind awareness is that our emotions are all one, we are all One. One Love, One People, One Tribe, One World,One Ocean. I was often bemused by the more experienced pill-head society because it wasn’t the Heart for me, it was the Solar Plexus and the gut instinct inside that was given voice and flow whenever I was on it. And shedding the skins of my fears I eventually, I don’t know if it was that same night or some months later after a weekly weekend binge of Dyonisis guidance, young teenage me broke through the fucker of self-doubt and that black shard-spiked wall of repression-induced paranoia, and accepted the truth of psychic awareness, accepted ego-death. For the first time, I really let go and the music took over. Remote controlled rhythm. Sounds flowing through and their colours are our moods, all of us as one organism. We don’t have names there in that freedom, there are only wild eyes aware of Self and white light of love pouring through our open smiling mouths and sweating pores. It was a perfect club, there was always a bottle of water passed to your hand at exactly the same moment you needed it. And dancing with a tin of beer in the other and my doc marten’s on my feet, became something of a habit that lasted years after. And there was always a spliff doing its circuit around strangers joined by necessity because pills need skunk to keep that necessary chill vibe alive. Back home with my then girlfriend to tease out the trip in bed together, the secret of bonding a deeply intimate, long lasting relationship, to get high and dance and make out with someone for whom you’d throw away your self for a cheap chemical high. The Eros (love) aspect of Thanateros from the sex-magick teachings from the Thelemic Order of the Morning Star. In the years after I was with a different crew, I was again too nervous to step into the circle and overcome the Fear, time and again on pot-paranoia and sketched by plugging into the wrong spectrum. Too much time spent with ghosts during the Thanos (death) aspect of Thanateros, teachings from the Shadowside schooled by the spirits themselves, as is the Way. I carried this edge and could see the ghosts amongst the freaked out, inexperienced, curious, egotistic partiers discovering freedom for the first time. So I would stand at the edge of the open air dance floor at a random traveler party in the forests of Wales eg; Pendragon Carry On Regardless, or a field in Somerset where nobody knew me and I would let go, let go to the music and allow it to take over. I had to be sufficiently drunk, I had to be wearing my Doc Martens so they would slop about on my feet remembering the moves learned in Kung Fu lessons, toe and heel and ball and side, points of contact I don’t know the names for, balance shifting constantly from foot to foot, from bone to bone. I don’t know how many bones are in the feet but they all have their story to tell the earth mother while the 4:4 techno heartbeat wakes up the living soul through the living soil. Left and right, back and forth, tracing the steps of freedom remembered from numberless generations of dancing a natural high. Here, and in busy and money-and-frisk-at-door clubs that I occasionally made my way to, I would let go. It is this process of letting go that is the overall lesson, I realized this today while teaching my toddler some moves. Letting go. I would let go of myself and my spine would come free, and then I could dance, release the Chinese Fire Snake energies of the year of my birth. Open the Gate of my White Lightning that the Mayan calendar describes me to be. Close my eyes and ignore the people and their fears, push them away with my mind and create a circle of space just big enough for me to fit into and nobody can penetrate it with criticism. The criticism was the fear I spent most of my spine-twisting time in, all except for on the dancefloor. It all becomes the same dance floor when you get to this stage. Arrogance is required to feel that good about yourself, to call forth the Ecstasy imprinted into the bones and flesh, remembered by the mind and released by will alone, so even when I wasn’t on it, or when I had been dosed by well meaning members of my crew, or just picking up on it and feeling the effects because my crew were on it and we were one water-body... I would let go and the music would move through me, emotions from the colours of the sounds, and… I would open my eyes and there would be people pointing video camera phones at me and eyes wide, a circle had made space for me and faces of men were amazed, faces of women were trying to catch my eyes, people were nudging their mates and pointing and… I would wobble back into myself and leave the dance floor for a smoke and a brew in the van with the crew. Had I the social skills I could have pulled half the club on those nights, for being so damn sexy. One day I’ll video you my fire-chain act. It’s the letting go and allowing the energy of the music to flow through and take control. This is a major part of how I learned to Channel as a spirit medium and this is why the spirits were always present, watching me adapt, progress, figure things out. When I opened my eyes and looked around the crowd, most of the humans were short like kids looking up at my giant stature, and the taller entities there, didn’t all look like humans. There were tree-beings and horned skulls of animals on dark bodies and light shafts and shadows, things I cannot describe and things from the skies. Its easier to open your eyes o this world when you haven’t got a spotlight blinding you, and the camp-fire is the major source of light after the colourful souls of the human aura’s glowing their rainbow tones. I don’t dance so much any more. I quit the drug scene and lost all my good-time buddies, and I settled with a woman so we could have a child, and then she left because we didn’t share the rituals though I tried to teach her how, and I don’t know what’s happening with the traveler festy scene any more, and apart from dancing in the living room to Black Forest pagan folk music from Faun, to show my boy how to open the Gates, I don’t really get out much and there’s no clubs in town that play the sort of music I can engage with. He’s got rhythm man, my son, he dances to the colours too, he claps and laughs when he sits on the sofa watching his daddy bust-a-move. ![]() D is for Dragon I feel risking arrogance by writing about this twisting and tangential subject in which nobody can be a Master. To do it justice it should be handled adeptly. I have an end goal which I intend to impart if possible. Finding the precise way is peculiar. "We are the Dragon." I write from compulsion; because I have to get it out of my system, with belief that the opinionated ramble sparsely describing life experiences might be of use for somebody. It is our duty to establish a common language and frames of reference, to avoid nihilistic solipsism. After Celtic shamanism was destroyed in Europe by Christendom, our experiences and wisdom's that we live by are the items we need to share. If we do not tell it as myth to the second generation, these stories are lost for ever. This is contrary to the main teaching of the shadow school; that instinct and personal quest are the foundation for retrieving soul wisdom that is the same throughout the generations. In this we turn to Jungian archetypology and the primal symbols taught by our ancestors in their wisdom; the continuity of which I speak. "The Dragon is Life." When two get their energy together they are more powerful than two apart. 1 here and 1 there are 2. 1+1 in wholeness are 101. If each individual is a mote, then dot And dot become dot dot dot when fused. They are more potent. A yin and yang has an axle around which they spiral, which is a third; the balance between the polarities. Thus, 1+1=3. It seems ludicrous to decimal mathematicians. mal scions. It seems obvious to symbolist numerologists. list gists. It spreads out from here as a split beam of light returning upon itself to create a hologram of multiple dimensions. The third mote is often considered as both center and circumference. Axle and edge. It is catalyst and wholeness. It gives way to Alchemic principle which I shall discuss further in E is for Elements. Here we enter into a complicated set of dynamics because to go any further into detail than this basic equation, the complexity can overwhelm us. The gist of it, so as to illustrate the complexity, can be described thus; water-in-air and air-in-water have a precipation point around which the transition flows. This statement includes 5 separate concepts, interweaving. Most people simplify the following events by going directly to pentacle mechanics. ![]() "The Centre of Centres is Everywhere, the circumference is Nowhere. This point rests in itself, is sufficient for itself, wants Nothing and contains All things. All things were, are and will be, out of One, through One and to One." Jacob Boehme, 1575-1624 The energy between myself and my soulmate is greater than that of two people on their own. A book called the Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield teaches an insight relating to how people can enhance the energy between them many times more than any one individual or all isolated individuals can achieve. A forest is greater than all its tree's. I have become distracted. This is not what I intended when I began the essay entitled D is for Dragon. It would be better suited as Q is for Quasi or Quanta although I am deadly sincere about the manifestation of number according to different principles, all of which are equally as valid and true no matter what cultural education the reader was programmed with. Before I go any further astray, here is the advice of Merlin the Enchanter regarding the Dragon. ![]() "The Mists... the Dragons Breath... when the world is born anew. It is particle physics." The energy between myself and my twinflame when we shared our mind as one, that very first time we did so, was intense enough and brought us pure enough that I could See the framework. It looks like a spiders web made of many colours. It looks like mathematical illustrations of fractals that are said to describe the Holographic dimension in which we live. Made of Light. And it is alive; aware. Of everything; everything is a part of it. I knew then, remembered then, what I had seen hints of from DMT visions. I knew there is only one word to define the framework accurately to do it deserved justice; Dragon Reality is organic and alive and it is Dragon. It is aware. That night when I opened my soul entirely to another human being, and she did the same for me, eyes closed I Saw. My visionary ability is powerful; I did a chakra reading and my third eye went off the top of the scale. When I saw and felt and knew that we have been accepted as a unity, as two of Life's fragmented souls who work well together at a level far below liminal, and for the positive, the ripple went out from our unity and affected all things on the web of Life. Affected is the wrong word. Accepted. I have encountered the Dragon before when its servants have peered into me to do a healing. It taught me much to relax and accept such intrusion. When we have the attention of the Dragon working through us, we know it, and we taste of its power, its senses that go to places we generally are unaware of. The Dragon is the underlaying structure of all. It is the fabric from which the web of Life is made. And it is alive, self aware and through its component life-forms, omnipotent. I have partially seen through the Dragons multifacted eye more than once, and as my experience with it and awareness of it as a real living entity grows, so it comes to know me more deeply than I know myself. And the one is within the other and it is not until an individual faces the full sum total of themself do they witness the Dragon, the far outer edges of being. It is a framework. And it knows we are there. It is Mind, Soul, Perception, Observation. Of everything within the light helix that makes all material density, the energy of thought and emotion; it is energy. Raw and pure and simple, the Dragon is the energy that all Life is made from. I suppose that this is why shamanic cultures have worshipped Dragons in various forms. What they allude to through the symbolism. I have some straws to clutch at the relation between this primal comprehension and the Reptilian Agenda spoken of by David Icke and Credo Mutwa, the mistranslations by Zacharia Sitchin. People have associated the symbolic Dragon with biblical Satan. I have no evidence of any truth in that in my experience, either. And so my fresh, unprogrammed, ignorance can I experience this thing and draw my own conclusions, as to why ancient cultures carved references in stone to my own experiences and observations. Dealing with a Jungian archetype, even history is open to reinterpretation and reinvention. Perhaps the stone carvings of the Aztecs, were indeed made to represent one specific thing, but they knew full well how the Dragon can twist its coils, and the concept changes entirely, comes into a new focus, one which was intended all along unbeknownst to the carvings makers at the time. We are taught now that Quetzalcoatl is the kundalini energy. It is; that is what the Dragon is and when used for higher level purpose, it is more. Quetzalcoatl is the name for the Dragon that makes sense for me to use, both for purposes of teaching chakra's and the fire-serpent energy which my Chinese year of birth has gifted me as an adept; but deeper knowledges of sorcery, of cutting my teeth into the raw Life source itself. The Dragon saw us that night, naked and open and true; and it blessed us. I cannot forget this and I apologize how inept and abstract my words are at describing what I learned there. This is why we turn to symbols. I will write about Noetics in U is for Underlaying Structure. For now a quoted reference must suffice; "In traditional philosophy, noëtics (from the Greek noētikos "mental" from noein "to perceive with the mind" and nous "mind, understanding, intellect") is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind and intellect. Richard L. Amoroso, director of the Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, proposed a theory of noetics called Noetic Field Theory which centers on the idea that there exists an additional causal principle of purposefulness not found in ordinary matter but in fundamental cosmological principles of consciousness. He has suggested that thought and spirit are not, in fact, intangible, but are 'Bose or photon-like'based aspects of the Unified Field,meaning essentially that the mind can be quantified by formulae which describe quantum materials such as light. Amoroso claims that his noetic model is the first theory of any kind to explain qualia in physical terms. The Institute of Noetic Sciences proposes noetic sciences as an alternative theory of "how beliefs, thoughts, and intentions affect the physical world." from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noetic_theory further research: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualia ![]() A Dream of White Turtles http://thestygianport.blogspot.com/2009/03/journey-back-home.html http://www.itmonline.org/arts/tortois2.htm Reptilian vision. When the Matrix updates, when my Perception that is the observer the Soul core of my being, happenstance wearing a human body, shifts from one paradigm to another, from one path to another, when this strongly affects the physical reality because the tensegrity is just such that I can watch the consequence of my decision making ripple out and affect the world; the ripple moves through shell layers of the matrix and the best way I can describe this is by alluding it to dragon scales. When everything settles down again into a normal mundane none-magickal perception of reality, it all goes back to normal. The dragonscales, a snakeskin rattle throughout all objects 'as if' they are one solid mass; a freeze-frame snapshot of reality at a given moment; a clockwork computer slowed down that every blocky change stop step by step frame by frame stop motion binary stop this is when we see the cause and effect of the soul flare in motion, when we witness the energy setting the grid that all physical, particle, time-based objects are moving through. It looks like dragon scales. It looks like, the world is the shell of a turtle. Rippling from the core of the turtles shell segments out toward the edge. I have seen this often, and enough times to associate it with what i have associated it with here; the slowing down of external time because the intensity and integrity with which I go within to make a deep soul decision, because it is so important and really does affect the manifestation of the world, which path my soul is set to. Usually of course, these such decisions are rare to us, typically we are swept up in spirits controlling our lives, and the illusion of choice is all we ever faced with. Sometimes it goes so much deeper than that. And when we perceive the result of the choice, affecting the path we walk because it is the path we generate, the zone we create with our energy field to manifest the necessary experiences to fulfill the program based on the decision... that is when we watch the ripple go out into the turtle-shell dragon scale world, as we come back into time and it speeds up around us again. This is when we deal directly with the Dragon. It usually happens when the raw fire souls of other people whose paths we cross comes in and out of line with our own,and our decision affects their souls on that same deep level. Not everybody can see so deep because not everybody is as true. There are legends of this involving the relationship between the feathered serpent and the smoking mirror. Feathers being the shimmering scales... Why we call them 'scales'? Measuring up, weighing, finding the electromagnetic frequency balance of that particular particle node, that zone's aura, alignment... So many cultures depict the physical world to be on the back of a turtle shell that it is worth my mentioning it here, it explains better what I have been trying to explain. Turtles, tortoise, are ancient prehistoric creatures, reptilian minds, they know the Dragon too. ![]() Peter Weir movie The Ninth Wave D is for Dreaming I feel obliged to write this because it is such an important topic. My relationship with dreaming as an experimental, concentrated study of a shamanic artform accelerated and then spluttered to a halt at the end of my teenage years. I had dedicated serious time to it, keeping a dream journal so that I would write down whatever I remembered from dream upon waking. This is the favored technique for developing dream recall. Keep pad and pen next to bed. It only takes a few weeks before vague recollections become intense, lucid dreams with a great amount of detail remembered upon waking. Certainly, I became increasingly aware and alive during many dreams at this time, in a way that I cannot achieve in my waking state. I had been reading Carlos Casteneda's the Art of Dreaming which focused me a lot. When I saw floods and asked where it was, the voice replied; "Papa New Guinea" and then; "Everywhere." In the years around the millennium there were many flooded coastlines, all over the world. Papa New Guinea flooded a month after my dream. When I watched the Twin Towers collapse and then two weeks later they actually were demolished, I closed my dream journal. I couldn't take any more. Cynics would accuse me of faking the journal to protect their ignorance. I didn't, it is real. I left it on the bookshelf and haven't opened it since. Scrying dreams are one aspect, because when we dream we leave the material world and the laws of physics governing reality are such that the material world is the time based world. Time = Matter and Matter = Time, it is a law of physics. Different materials vibrate at a different tempo and exist in a different time-zone, we get the sensation of deja vu when timestreams combine. I dreamed I was speaking with a person from the past a few hundred or more years ago, and one from the future. We established this as a fact, and the three of us agreed that Dream takes us out of our material waking time and places us into a different realm where time doesn't exist in the same way. Another aspect of Dream is shared dream. One of the locations I dreamed of and drew, my friend who I have dreamed walking around a building representing my mind, opening doors for me to make better connections, he told me that he had dreamed about the temple garden in my drawing. I asked him what lay just to the left of the courtyard and he laughed, described the well. Little facts like this are proof positive that Dream locations exist and are as real as material world locations, and can be visited by different dreamers. When I was staying with my mate in Somerset, we both dreamed that we were renegade soldiers fighting the military who had teamed up with hostile aliens, against another part of the military who had teamed up with friendly aliens, renegades from the hostile ones. It was complicated and we resolved the most surest way to cleanse the whole situation and save humanity at large from the threat was to blow everything up. We did just that and on waking, "I dreamed about you last night!" "Yeah we were fighting aliens" "Oh my god!" etc. Dreams to program reality into being are something that I got into after these initiation stages. I would dream of being present to pacify bullies by taking away their weapons and to counsel their victims. Or to speak with people who needed healing, knowing that I was communing with their dream-soul self who had sought me out for guidance, needing help. I have not dreamed fully like this for many years. To Dream you need excess sleep; and now, I do not get enough sleep. I watched an amazing film by director Peter Weir called The Last Wave, the first time that any aboriginal Australian shaman appeared on film doing their rituals, real genuine rituals woven skillfully into the movies storyline. It teaches Dreamtime. When the director arrived in town looking for the shaman, the shaman found him "come, we have been expecting you, to make movie." he said. The film uses the aboriginal Australian word for Dreamtime; Manaya. The Mayan cultures of the America 's use the same word to describe dreamtime. It is a word learned from Dreamtime, and the shamen of all these groups communicate in the dream worlds, and throughout 'time'. Obviously. Time is frequency based, it is not linear. This concept takes a lot for western muggles to get their heads around. Linearity exists only because we are falling forward toward the light, as reality accelerates, the frequency shifts upward. It is imperceptible for the most part however it does have the effect of creating forward motion called Time, which varies from observer to observer depending on the energetic density of that observer. Events repeats itself in loops, as Time cycles, spirals. The aboriginal Australians are the planetary knowledge holders, wisdom-keepers, for these physics. They describe the Dreamtime as a creative time, where our songs are heard and which then manifest as lived events. This is another aspect of Dreaming, another use of the same word for a different context. Bruce Chatwin's the Songlines is a tremendous start in the journey of comprehending the importance of this concept, that we manifest experience from our preconceptions. This is the core of modern contemporary magickal ritual work.
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